Chapter 9

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As the three of them entered the venue, Eve resisted the urge to recoil. She was so out of her element. Had it not been for Pepper, she wouldn't even know what to wear and how to look. Eve was so used to wearing outfits she wasn't afraid to get dirty or that were comfortable and allowed her to move freely.

When Pepper suggested a dress or a skirt with heels, Eve declined. She wasn't much of a dress or skirt person. What she wore to the Expo was a gift, so she had no choice but to wear it, really. She was just thankful the dress was tame and tasteful insidead of outlandish and slightly on the skimpy and skin-showy side.

So, she was on the left side of Tony wearing a deep wine colored blouse that flowed slightly in the chest area. It was a soft material, so it wasn't uncomfortable. She wore a black blazer over it and a long, simple, silver necklace. 

She had grey dress pants on with matching flats. She carried a white shoulder bag which contained whatever she needed, what gave her comfort was that she was able to wear gloves, so as not to have direct contact with anyone.

At Pepper's insistence, Eve wore light make up. Just a thin line of slightly smudged black eyeliner, mascara, blush and a little bronzer, as well as a simple nude lip. Pepper also helped do her hair so it hung in soft ringlets. Eve felt ridiculous all dressed up like this, but she had to admit, Pepper made her look good.

"You know, it's Europe. Whatever happens in the next 20 minutes, just go with it." Tony said to both of them.

"Go with it?" Eve questioned. "Go with what?" Natalie interrupted him before he could answer.

"Mr. Stark." She smiled as she came over.

"Hey," Tony smiled.

"Hello," she replied. Eve was suddenly hit with realization that this was the pretty red head she saw when she looked into Tony's future. She didn't see much, but Eve knew there was more to this woman than she was letting on. However, for now, Eve wasn't going to speak up. "How was your flight?"

"It was excellent," Tony replied as he detached from Pepper and Eve. "But, it's nice to see you." Eve resisted the urge to roll her eyes, knowing that she was being watched. Considering she had been seen with Tony at the Expo, Eve was sure people were going to talk about Tony being seen with the same girl from that night.

"We have one photographer from the ACM, if you don't mind, okay?" Natalie questioned.

"When did this happen?" Pepper questioned as she and Eve were roped into a picture. Eve was uncomfortable to have her picture taken yet again. Nothing against Tony, but she didn't really want to be a well known name. She was happy just being a behind the scenes kind of person. But, for now she was forced to show her face and be on her best.

"What?" Tony questioned as the photographer got ready. "You made me do it."

"Made you do what?" Eve questioned.

"She quit," Tony replied. "Smile, right there. Stop acting constipated, don't flare your nose." He coached both of them. Eve put on her best smile, pretending to be confident. She let out a soft breath when the photographer left them alone, glad to be out of the spotlight for a moment.

The four walked the room, Tony having asked Natalie to set up a nice looking table for them all. "Mr. Musk, how are you?" Pepper greeted a man warmly. Eve resisted the urge to groan. Honestly, she was only there because Tony had asked her, practically begged her to join them. She was very much out of her element there.

"Hi, Pepper." Mr. Musk smiled. "Congratulations on the promotion."

"Thank you very much." Pepper smiled. "Oh, I don't think you've met Eve yet." Pepper grabbed Eve's arm so the woman stood next to her. "Eve, this is Mr. Musk, he works with the company on occasion. Mr. Musk, this is Eve Porter, she helps Tony with his newer creations."

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