chapter 1

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I was sitting waiting to see my mom, she was suffering from a terrible disease and the doctors said she might not live. Ever since my dad found out about the news he would go out and would come home really drunk. When I finally had the permission to see my mom she seemed weaker each day. It made me really sad but there was nothing I could do. With the rest of her strength she told me to be brave and stay strong no matter what happens, as she was taking her last breaths in front of me.

2 weeks later
       2 weeks have passed and things at home have gotten worse, my dad would get home and hit me for no reason. I started to work because my dad got fired but he would use my money on stupid things. But not only that but I was exited to go to a new school. After I got home from work my dad seemed to be in a bad mood I tried to avoid him but I failed.
              "Y/n were is the money I need it you worthless piece of shit"  
               " I don't have any right now" is all I could say.
He knew I was lieing and came up to me and slapped me as hard as he could which made me fall to the ground. He walked over to my purse and took all the money that I had in there but it wasn't much. I just walked to my room and cried my self to sleep

  Next morning

          It was first day at school I was so happy to be out of the house and not be with my dad. As always I woke up and he wasn't home. I did all my morning things and walked to school. As I entered I didn't realise it was such a big school. It took me a while to find the office but I did, they gave me my schedule and then I headed to class. I walked in and sat all the way in the back, class finally started and the teacher walked in and noticed me.

         "Hey you must be the new student would you like to come up and introduce yourself"
       I got up from my seat and walked to the front of the class. As I was about to introduce myself a guy walked in class.

            " your late again jimin" said the teacher " yeah and you can't do anything"
            " this is a warning" the teacher said.
      I went back to introducing myself "hello I'm y/n and I hope we can be friends"
Then you went back to your seat. That jimin guy sat beside you and just looked at you. Which made you a little uncomfortable.
When class finally ended you were the last to walk out and as you were walking out you saw a crowed of people surrounding someone. I got closer and saw that jimin kids beating a other kids.
      "This is what you get for not doing my homework" Jimin said
Anger filled me and I walked up to him and said to leave him alone. He seemed  really mad because I talked to him that way. He just said that it was warning but would let me go because I was new. Everything about him seemed wrong to me.

Authors note- hello and welcome to a fanfic I am not good at these and I'm sorry if this was really short. Also I forgot to say this whole story will include cursing and sexual things. Love you guys and u hope you guys like my story

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