chapter 4

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Y/n P.O.V.

When they got bored of beating me up they left but Jimin was left behind he stared at me and I just stared back at him but I managed to get up and limped my way out of the roof. I decided to go home and I was glad I brung my work clothes so that my dad wouldn't bother me on where I was.

Jimin P.O.V.

I felt so bad on what I was doing to y/n but BTS was right she was just a lame loser like every other girl in this school.

Y/n P.O.V

I got home and of course my dad was there he saw me and didn't say a thing. I think he bought it that I was at work. I went up to my room and just cried. It was around 6:00 p.m. when I received a text from a random number. I opened it

???- I'm sorry please forgive me
Y/n- who are you?
???- you will find out soon but just forgive me

I was so confused but I let it slide I took a shower and went to bed. It felt kinda weird to go to bed without being beaten up or having new bruises. I woke up the follwing day not wanting to go to school. But I did anyways. First class started and like always jimin was in that class "great" was all I could say in my head. When class finally ended it was lunch time. Lunch went great and not even a single bother. I went home like it was a normal day for a normal girl.

I got home but my dad wasnt there which I found really weird. I sure he went out to drink or is hanging out with some friends. Later that day I received a text from the same person that texted me yesterday.

???- meet me at the park right now
Y/n- what if I don't
???- I know where you live so I will go to you
Y/n- fine I will meet you at the park

I found it really strange but I got dressed and headed to the near by park. I didn't see anyone there so I went to the swing set and started to swing myself. Far ahead I saw someone but as the figure got closer I noticed it was Jimin. I looked away hoping he wouldn't notice me but he did. He sat on the swing next to me.

"Hello y/n" he said.

I didn't respond

"I know you are probably mad at me for what I did I'm really sorry"he said

" You don't really mean it that's what you said last time" I said angrily.

"All those text you have received are form me and if you wonder how I got your phone number it's from the school my dad is the principal of the school" he said.

"What do you want" I said.

" i want you to forgive me" he said

"I was going to the day you beat me up but then and now I will never forgive you" i said firmly.

I got up and headed home. I entered the house and put my back against the door and started to cry. Why does this have to happen to me? In the bright side my dad wasn't home so I want up to my room and went to sleep. The following day I went to school but I was never beat or touched. Also my dad wasn't home which kinda worried me even though he beats me he worries me. I got home and he wasnt home again.

Later there was a knock at the door I went down to be greeted by 2 police officers. Hey asked if I was y/n  and I said yes. They came in and talked to me.

"I'm sorry to say but your dad is In critical condition from a overdose on drugs. I'm sorry to say but I don't think he will live long" the office said

I just started to cry and I couldn't stop.

Jimin P.O.V.

I was walking down the street what  I decided to pass by y/n's house When I saw 2 police cars right outside her house. I got worried and went up to her door when I was about to knock on the door I saw that it was a crack open and I heard everything I felt so bad that I just walked in with out saying a word.

Authors note- sorry I haven't been so active I'm busy studying for finals but I will try to update during the weekend. When school is officially over I will update a lot. Thanks to everyone who is voting and reading my storie even though it is not good but i love you guys ❤

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