Chapter 5: Our First Real Mission!?!

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Your p.o.v
"What!" I say this as I practically spit my lemonade all over my friends. "Jeez if I knew you were gonna react this way I would of waited till after you finished drinking" "I'm so sorry!" I grab the napkins off my tray and hand it to Maka, Kid, Tsubaki and the twins.

"So are you serious?" "Yes, it's not that big of a deal" "But were are we going?" "Beats me, Stein doesn't tell us until we actually get there" "All we know is that its an extra lesson" "Oh" I become slightly discouraged when I learn that it wasn't anything major. "Besides maybe Soul and I can get back in the running! I'm gonna make him a death scythe!" "That sounds great and all but what about the real action! What about catching that scum bag of a kishin!"

"We tried three months ago and we failed, when he escaped I only managed to grab onto him and a few minutes later I blacked out" "So! That doesn't mean a thing! We could all take him down together!"

"I really like the enthusiasm but we can't do that if we have no idea where he is" "Oh I guess your right" I sulked in my chair. The only chance we did have of finding him would be me. But I'm not letting him in, I refuse to let him in.

But me being the great and amazing person I am, I jump up and practically blurt out my secret without actually blurting it out. "I CAN FIND THE KISHIN!" Hunter and Hayden were practically staring at me like I had completely lost my mind.

I guess I peaked their interest because none of them seemed disengaged anymore. "Through sources, I have my very own info broker" "You must have one hell of an info broker because ours can't find anything" "Not even my father's sources can, if you have information you need to tell my father right away!" "I can't tell him the person, I promised I wouldn't" "Fine, but we have to check it out before getting his Hope's up" "Deal!, let's ditch our extra lesson and go after school today!"

"Sounds good with me, I'll inform the others later" before I could say anything back, both Hayden and Hunter basically pick me up from my seat and drag me outside. They finally set me down when we were far away from people.

"An infobroker! Are you stupid?" "I panicked!" "You shouldn't of said anything at all! You have to think cause if you go down, we go down with you!" It was the first time either of them said we in a while. "I'm sorry" "it's fine just be careful next time" I nod and walk back into the cafeteria taking my seat once more.

"So what was that all about?" "Just got yelled at for saying stuff about our info broker" Maka looks to the twins. "Hey if your person can help us find the kishin maybe telling us is the best route to go" they both shrugged and continued to eat there lunch.

"Anyway we have to make sure we leave right after the bell so Stein doesnt come track us down, the last thing we need is for him to scold us" "I doubt anyone would listen, I dont want to be anywhere near that man"

Maka chuckles and sips a bit more of her drink. Lunch finished and the rest of the day went by in a flash, at the end we all met at the front of the school.

"So who'd ready to go see if we got a lead?" "I am! Let's go!" We all took off down the stairs and out of the city.

We traveled for a few hours until we reached the what was supposed to be abandoned temple.

I dont know if the others could feel his presence but I defenitly could. His wavelengths was the only thing that comforted me when I was younger and now I dont want anything to do with it.

As maka went to open the door I threw myself out in front of her. "What the hell (y/n)! Why are you stopping me?" "Think about this rationally ok? We cant just go in there and be like hey bastard were here for your soul!" Maka went to say something but stopped.

"There are 10 of us and one of him, if we plan this right we could get a jump on him!" "How are you even sure he is in there?" "You cant feel his madness pouring out through the seams?" Both maka and kid looked at each other and then looked to blackstar.

That's when things went downhill, one second I was perfectly ok and the next I was pinned down to the floor by maka, kid and blackstar, their partners in my face.

"Alright (y/n) start talking! The only way you could sense his wavelength from here is if you are just like him!" When she said those words tears began to fall down my face. They figured me out and now I was going to die.

I laid there and imagined all the ways they were going to make me suffer. It almost felt like an eternity until I felt souls blade being pressed against my neck once more. "I said start talking!"

"I'm sorry" "sorry? For what?" She loosened souls blade slightly and let me sit up. "I decieved you all and I'm so sorry, I should of told you in the first place but my paranoia got the best of me" all of them were confused by now. Both Hunter and Hayden rushed to my side this time.

"When I came here three months ago I was hoping to start fresh and leave this life behind, but then I couldnt it was like he planned it perfectly it was like he knew I would come, and now you all had to suffer" at this point my tears were heavy and the others were flustered.

"You see kishin asura is my father"

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