Chapter 22: My Dirty Little Secret Exposed

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Your p.o.v
"I wanted to be honest with you, but I was afraid and forgot" at this point Soul and I's conversation had gotten pretty serious. I told him everything he wanted to know, there was no point in hiding anymore.

"You were afraid!? I wouldn't let anyone hurt you ever!" "How was I supposed to know that!?" My statement was valid, Soul and I have only started dating only a few days ago and up until then I had no idea of what his true intentions were.

You cant just expect someone to pour out their heart to you if they arent 100% sure about your intentions. "You could of trusted me"

Trust... that word stung the most. He was right I should of trusted him, he fought for me, he made me feel human when I thought of myself nothing more then a monster and yet here I was doubting him every six ways to Sunday because just like my father I was paranoid.

"I, I...." "You nothing (y/n), you have to be more honest with me, you knew about the demon that constantly plays his mind games in my head, yet you couldnt tell me about your powers, about your father popping up in your head"

"I know damn it! I'm sorry!" "If you were sorry you would stop making up excuses!"

Before things got to heated everyone had wandered back inside, right into the middle of our conversation. "Oh, she is finally awake" "That I am" "What's wrong?" "Nothing actually were done here" I get up and walk out of the house, not even looking back.

I needed time to think, to evaluate what I've been doing because Soul was right, I should have more faith in my friends.

Souls p.o.v
"Dude, what the hell happened here" "We got into a heated conversation, that's all" "Dude if you pissed her off your in for an earful, Hunter and I would know"

I waved my hand in a dismissive way and sighed. I didnt mean to upset her, I just wanted her to let me in. "Great going moron". I sigh and look to Maka who was now sending me great big daggers out of her bright emerald eyes.

"Maka your eyes will pop out if your head if you keep glaring at me like that" "Oh I'm well aware" and just like that a very strong pain began to radiate throughout the top of my skull.

"Owww!" "Next time think before you do stupid!" "Yeah I know thanks!" Oh how I wish I could hit her with that book. I guess she could tell what I was thinking because she oh so kindly gave me another Maka chop making the pain ten times worse.

"Maka!" "I'll stop once you go fix what you did!" "Fine I'm going!" And with that I was off the couch and out the house.

Your p.o.v
"Open up he says, you can trust me he says" I deliver another round house kick to the kishin that had happened to be roaming the streets when I was. "I'll protect you he says, you need to tell me things he says"

By the time I was done with the kishin not only was it dead but most of my pent up aggravation went right along with it. "Good going stupid" I mentally face palm when I realize that I had no weapon partner to devour the soul. I couldnt just leave it here so I did what any responsible meister would do, I tucked it away for safe keeping.

Having it near me was odd I felt its wavelengths and I didnt like it one bit. I guess I had been wandering for a bit because I ended up running right into someone, colliding with them.

I fall straight on my butt, causing me to let out a small grunt. "I'm so sorry" when I looked up I was expecting a no worry but instead I was greeted with a toothy grin from Soul Evan's himself.

"How uncool, no watching were your going" "Oh more lectures?" He extends his hand out to me and I gratefully take it. "No not this time, sorry to disappoint" "Good cause I'm pretty much calm" I pull out the kishins soul to prove my point.

"Since Hunter nor Hayden are here you can have it" "You sure?" "Yeah, I dont mind" I hand it to Soul and watch him devour it in one single bite. I wonder what a kishins soul taste like.

I quickly dismiss the thought when Soul grabbed my hands, forcing me to look at him. "Look I'm sorry, I didnt mean to upset you, I just wanted you to understand that your not alone anymore"

Alone... I never thought I was, I had Hunter and Hayden, they were there for me when I needed family the most.

"Dont worry your head about that, Hunter and Hayden have always made sure I wasnt lonely" "That maybe the case but I could tell there were things they couldnt get about you"

"Yeah I guess your right" "Oh, you should know so" He pulls me in an embrace and we stood there for a long period of time. I didnt mind though, his embrace was all that really mattered in that moment.

He broke the hug and retook his hand in mine, leading me back to Kids mansion. "Come on, our friends are worried sick about you, I think it's time we got back" I nod and begin the walk back to Kids house.

My dirty little secrets were no longer that, the truth was in the present and so was I.

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