Chapter 9: Change

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Your p.o.v
When I opened my eyes both Hunter and Hayden were rested against my door frame, I take my pillow and throw it in their direction, when it hit hunter a few tears fell from my eyes and rolled down my cheek. "Your real, your really real" I jump out of my bed and pull both into a hug.

I thought I was dreaming, I thought I wasnt released.

Both of them hugged me back, and smiled. "Hey it's ok, your back now and that's all that matters" I release from the hug and playfully punch their shoulders.

"You should of seen how angry Hayden was when they took you" I looked to Hayden who's face turned a slight cherry red. "Thanks Hayden" "No problem" before I could say anything else, realization hit me and I walked away from the twins.

"The day my father came to your village, the day your parents died, I was responsible, not him" both twins looked at me like I was crazy.

"You werent, did you forget already" I tilt my head slightly in confusion. "The day you came, you saved us, what ever you think you saw, maybe being close to your father caused that false vision to come"

Tears began to swell in my eyes, threatening to escape and roll down my cheeks.

"Dont cry!" Hayden rushed to my side and pulled me into a hug.

All this time I spent thinking I was the one who killed their parents but it was really my father. He put those nasty visions into my mind.

I take a deep breath and pushed away from Hayden.

"So I'm guessing Maka and Soul are watching me?" "Actually no, its Kid, Liz and Patty" I roll my eyes and think about the time he asked me to even out Stars face.

He was a weird one but he seemed friendly, just the thought of it made me chuckle. I refocus my attention when Hunter throws me some clothes.

"You have been out of commission for a while, put those on and meet us at the park in the complex" the twins leave my room and shut it on the way out.

I throw the clothes onto the bed and examine them.

It was a light grey tanktop, with a baby blue sports bra, black sweats and black pair of nikes

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It was a light grey tanktop, with a baby blue sports bra, black sweats and black pair of nikes. I slip all of them on before placing my (h/c) into a (f/h/s) (favorite hair style).

I check myself over in the mirror before running out of the apartment, bottle of water in hand. Knowing the twins they will try to ambush me before I could even get to the park.

My senses were sharp as I ran. I may have been out of commission but I'm not stupid. I managed to run to the park, ambush free which kind of puzzled me.

I didnt focus on that to long because the twins approach me.

"You probably thought we were gonna ambush you" "yeah, kind of disappointed" "that will subside soon" I didnt realize what he meant until I heard that terrible and obnoxious laugh.

I turned around and saw Blackstar, standing on top of the basketball hoop, with so much confidence.

"Hello (y/n), seems you were finally let out" "Seems your as stupid as ever" when I said this he laughed and pointed his nasty little finger at me. "While you were locked away we obtained a magic tool! Soul made us all stronger and I intend on beating you to a pulp!"

At first I thought it was going to be a breeze, but then I felt his soul wavelength and it was much bigger then before. I get into a fighting stance, this might actually be the first time I took a fight serious with black star.

For the next hour multiples, kicks, punches and bruises were handed out. I still had energy but it seemed blackstar was done. The deal breaker was my round house kick. I've never seen someone fall so gracefully from exhaustion.

"You win this one (y/n), but just this time" I sit next to him and rolled my eyes. "That's what you say everytime we fight you moron" he let out the annoying laugh before passing out. Hopefully I didnt over do it. Before anymore concerning thoughts about blackstar could escape my mind I hear Soul and Maka yelling out to us.

Behind them was no other than Crona. The one person I dreaded to see. He was everything I wasnt and I envy him for that. He got his perfect ending, not me.

When they reached us Crona made direct eye contact with me. "So that's the kishins daughter? Who would of thought she looked nothing like him" at this point I was unsure if I should of taken it as a compliment or an insult. Instead I brush it off.

I redirect my attention toward Maka when she began to talk. "So Lord death said if (y/n) could show changes like Crona then he will take off her limiter and never force her into solitary confinement again!"

A few tears fell from my eyes and rolled rapidly down my cheeks. They did all of this for me. I dont deserve people like them in my life. Their to kind. I quickly wipe the tears away when they all looked at me.

"If all I got to do is prove a point I'm in! I'm so tired of all this anyway!" Smiles spread like wild fire across the basketball court. Something told me this was going to be good. Something told me this change was going to help me.

But that something was the very same thing that made me loose control.

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