^SHIT!^ MF would be knocked down, a 3 foot long ant like demon would crawl on top of him, going to chomp down on his head with its pincers. He'd hold it pincers open with his hands, the sharp pincers cutting his hands. He'd eventually kick the demon off of him, putting them on their back. The demon struggled, unable to get back onto its stomach. He'd stand up, looking at his hands, ^Jesus fucking Christ...^
"You okay bosssss?"
^Not really to be honest, this thing's the weakest demon aside from an Imp, and it just kicked my ass!^
"...Wow." Wraith sounded disappointed in a way, Tank would shake his head, and Watcher would stare at the demon as it struggled and wiggled around on its back. "Well you might want to finissssh the job bosssss, before it getssss back up."
^Right...^ He'd walk over to the demon, grabbing his dagger, then stabbing the demon in its stomach. The demon would die, turning to ash and leaving a small heart where it was. He'd sheath his dagger, picking up the heart and inspecting it. ^Small size, yellow color...well this isn't selling for much at all.^ He'd shake it off of blood and picket the heart.
"Good job bosssss." He'd say, although it sounded more sarcastic than genuine.
^Yeah, thanks for the help.^ He'd say sarcastically back.
"...Bosssss, I think you should go to a medic of ssssortssss."
^Why's that?^
"You're sssshoulder issss sssstill bleeding from the gunsssshot from thosssse assssshatssss a few dayssss back."
^...?^ He'd look at his shoulder where he was shot, and there it was, bleeding still. ^...How did I not notice this?^
"High pain tolerance?"
^I guess...well shit that might help if...I...^ He'd pass out, falling flat on the ground.
"...He losssst too much blood, didn't he?"
Tank would nod.
Wraith would groan, "Great," He'd say sarcastically.
MF would wake up in a room illuminated by a couple candles, he'd be on a medical bed of sorts and someone could be heard talking nearby.
MF the demon hunter
AdventureWe follow a masked man by the nickname of MF as he hunts down demons who have escaped hell, as he does he finds out about a very powerful entity and a certain task he must do that will change his life forever...