The Border

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As they walked along the field, they saw a few people up ahead, looking to be keeping guard. ^The hell? What are people doing out here in the middle of fucking nowhere?^

"No clue." Alice would reply.

As they walked up to the people, they'd look at MF and Alice, "Oi! Stop right there." Alice would stop while MF kept walking. "Hey! I said stop ya fucker!" They'd pull out a gun, pointing it at MF. MF would look at the person, then stop. "There ya go."

^What do you want?^ He sounded irritated.

"Pay up."

^...Excuse me?^

"Pay up."

^With what?^

"Credits ya fucker, 25 to come through."

^Says who?^

"Says the boss."

^Who's your boss?^

"Wouldn't you like to know."

^Yes actually I would, and I'll kick their ass-^

"Here." Alice would interfere, handing over a small pouch to the man.

He'd check it, "Alrighty, you're all set then, get 'er goin'."

Alice would walk past the man, then MF would try to follow, being stopped by the man. "25...each."

MF would stare at the man, clenching his fist, seemingly towering over him.

The man would stare back, smirking slightly, "If ya ain't got any payment, then ya stay on this side of th-" He'd be cut off by MF gripping his neck. He'd lift the man up and stare him down, ^You are going to let me through whether you like it or not motherfucker.^

A crowd of other members would surround MF, pointing guns at him, "Too bad...motherFUCKer." The man would manage to get out while getting choked. "Let him down!" One of the other members would demand. MF would drop the man on the ground, looking around and thinking.

"Whoa whoa whoa, what happened?" Alice would come back over, looking worried.

^Don't worry about it.^

"Yeah, don't worry 'bout it toots." One of the members would say to her, then a few would look over at her, starting to surround her. "Say, you don't look half bad."

^Leave her be.^ He demanded.

"...Or what?" One of the members would look over at MF.

^Or you'll die.^

The members would pause, then start laughing.

^Wraith; Grabber, I need you both to work with me here, there's 7 of them, Wraith you take 2 or 3; Grabber you get 2 or 3; and I'll get 1 or 2, got it?^ He'd practically whisper.

The members would calm down in their laughter, "You're funny mate, real fuckin' funny."

^Really? I heard my sense of humor is fucking horrible.^

"Nah mate, you're a fuckin' comedian, thinkin' you can take all us on by yourself."

^Thing is I'm not alone.^

"Oh really?" They sounded cocky.

^Yeah, really.^

Just then, Grabber came out in between two of the members, grabbing and stabbing them both. Wraith would cut the throat of one of the members, quickly stabbing another in the back of the neck. MF would drag his dagger, stabbing one of the members in the stomach, then breaking the neck of another.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 09, 2018 ⏰

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