Part 15

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Just as i was walking out of the room i bumped into a hard chest and fell on the floor

"Ouch my butt hurts now"i say out loud which causes Grayson to come out and help me up.

When i look up at who i bumped into i see damon with guilt in his eyes.

"Hey tori im sorry for yelling at you and blaming you i know that if you had the power to bring luke back you would in a heart beat im just sorry i took my anger out on one of my best friends especially my little sis"Damon says sincerely

"Its ok Damon"i hug him and he hugs me back tightly

"We need to bury luke you guys"Matt says coming out of the shadows and we all nod.

"Vic we need to go to my castle and find a book that can help us"Grayson says and i nod

"A book for what"Josh asks walking up with Chris.

"That will bring Luke back or maybe place him in an object or something it does matter as long as he comes back the same as he left we don't want anyone else but him but i really don't think he will come back the same it might be some one else that's what im scared of"i tell them all honestly

"We can do it if we put the power of 2 witches together it will definitely work,but your right there's 40 to no chance we might get our Luke back and there's a high chance that we just might get someone else instead and that scary" Christina said putting her knowledge of the subject into the conversation and agreeing with me.

"So what do we do"Matt asks

"I haven't got a clue Matty poo"i sigh running my hands threw my hair.

"Now isn't the time to rhyme sis" Damon says while his face looks like he's concentrating on a thought.

"I can't help it Damon"i tell him and then lean back in Grayson's chest

"Wait" i say out loud louder then i intended which causes everyone to look at me.

"Grayson your part demon"i say turning around and facing him.

"Love no i know what going on inside that pretty head of yours and that's a bad idea"he tells me while ruffling his hair.

"But Gray"i whine to him

"No buts I've told you before,and you know something like that could cost your life do u know how angry and destroyed i would be,so no"Grayson says giving his final take on it

"Isn't your mom the queen of hell"i matt asks him

"Yes and no"gray answers

"How"is all i say

"My little sister took over the demons while i took over the werewolves, she might be bubbly but she can be ruthless so no"Grayson said

"So our best bet would be putting him in an object then if we get the right luke we put him back in his body or something suitable what about a cat or a wolf"i say

"That could work out better"Grayson says and chris shakes her head in total agreement.

"Well then its a plan"Josh says while Damon smiles

"Ok so someone go get a doll and someone go and get a wolf a normal wolf"i say

"Damon and matt go find the doll josh and Chris go find the wolf"Grayson says

"What are you two going to do?"Matt asks

"Were going to go find books that might help" i tell them when they leave that when i get to work.

Closing my eyes then flicking my wrist which causes me to see 3 books i need

1. To make conversation with the dead

2.  To bring the dead back and lastly

3. The elements which is the most important book.

When i open my eyes i see these three books floating around in a circle above my head.

"Nice"Grayson tells me as we then walk outside to a nice field and grayson makes 3 podiums appear out of the ground,the thing about these podiums is that they are blood red which cause me to look at Grayson.

"What?"he asks

"Nothing"i say and kiss the corner of his mouth and then put the books on the correct pages we need.

'Well were set' i mind link everyone i can and tell them

"Son"i here two voices call out and i look behind me i see what looks like Grayson father and mother.

I froze when i saw a figure come up beside them it was a girl and she said this one word that put my mind to rest about the subject.

She said"brother"

Don't get me wrong i was still nervous because of his parents but i put on a blank face.

"TORI TORI TORI"i heard different voices calling my name when i looked over my shoulders i saw every one with what we need so far.

"Bam here's the doll"matt said walking up to me along with Damon,Chris and Josh.

"One wolf and he cant shift into a human we checked" Josh said

"Mk perfect"i said "Lets get to work"i added in.

"Tori who are those people"Chris asked

"Grayson Mom,Dad,and little sister"i said with a blank look i can feel them watching me so i wont look back easy as pie.

"Oh"they all said as i got into position in front of the podium.

"Your forgetting something"Grayson said

"Oh yeah"i said and my hair turned that sliver~ish color my feet weren't on the ground anymore either.

"I don't think that's what he meant"damon said but i just shrugged.

"Ready"i asked chris

"Let's go"she said

Chris began pouring her magic into me while i did threw spells at once.

I imagined luke and every detail i could remember about him.including his personality and i took all of that opening my eyes that i didn't even know was shut and i put it into the doll.

"Well"i say

"A fail i think"josh says just when i see the doll move

"Luke is that you"the doll looks at me

And it says.....

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