Part 16

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"Well"i say

"A fail i think"Josh says just when i see the doll move

"Luke is that you"the doll looks at me

And it says"If you wanna start a fight
You better throw the first punch
Make it a good one"i know that song its by panic by the disco

I sing back"And if ya wanna make it through the night you better say my name like the good, the bad, and the dirty"

"Luke "Chris screams and rushes to the doll followed by Damon,Matt,and Josh.

When i look around for Grayson i see him with his parents and sister so i teleport behind him.

"Boo"i say covering his eyes

I can feel Grayson smirking and his parents look in disgust at me while his sister just smiles.

Grayson places his hands over mine"you know i don't think my mate would like another girls hands on me"he says smugly

"She doesn't have to find out"i say

"Oh but you see shes the love of my life and also my mate"he says back

"Good thing im her so i get the final judgment"i say taking my hand away from Grayson's eyes.

Just as Grayson's about to speak"did you just quote our song" a voice speaks out not knowing where it came from or that it was even their i teleport so fast i don't even know where im going.

When i open my eyes i see grayson laughing at me and realize im in his arms"scared of a little doll"he asks me while still laughing

"I hate you"i say and get out of his arms his sister looked amused his mother and father looked even more disgusted as humanly possible.

Well lets be honest we all know nobody here is fully human.

"You love me Victoria Nightmare,and what have i told you about teleporting your so stubborn"he said his eyes narrowing at me at the last part.

"Are you my mate or dad"i ask giggling

"Both"he say huskily,that makes me stop giggling and look at him

"You need a therapist and im retired"i tell him

"Well your gonna have to untire"he says back

"You know what i have to go put luke inside a wolfs body" i say trying to walk off

"Luke you can wait can't you ok thanks"Grayson said asking and answering before luke could.

"Grayson"Graysons father said before he could pick me up and carry me off some where.

"Yes dad"Grayson asked back

"Did you ignore the fact that this whatever she is brought her friend back to life and messed up mother nature"Grayson mother jumped in

"Excuse me,this whatever she is has a name and its Victoria"i snapped at her,i didn't even notice our friends were now beside us i got mad.

Grayson father scoffs at me"your going to let this piece of trash talk to your mother like this son"his dad asked him

A loud growl sounded out from  Grayson and i, it shook the earth.

"Don't think I've never used a day of my education"i said my eyes probably another color now.

"Mom dad its probably not a good thing to piss her off"Grayson's sister said

"Hush now child"her mother scolds her

"Victoria"i turn around and see my mom and dad

"Mom dad "i say a smile quickly covers my face because i cant help to be happy those are my parents when i see them it calms me, my feet now touch the ground and my hair is back to normal.

I teleport my parents to us"hi mom and dad" i say

"Hello moon"my dad speaks

"Hi tori"my mom says

"Ugh see what i mean son complete and total trash she leaves this conversation to go to a new one"Grayson's mom says and i look at grayson a bit ticked that he wont take my side.

"Well"i say looking at him.

"Well what vic"Grayson says running a hand through his hair.

"Wow Grayson ok i just can't"i say and try to walk off but Grayson grabs my arm.

"Where are you going"he asked looking a little angry.

I yanked my arm away from him"away from you and your parents "i say walking away from him.

"Midnight"i say lowly i hear hoof steps i reach my hand out without looking up and as soon as i feel his mane i grab it and hoist my self up on his back he runs somewhere.

~~~~~~~~~~~~hours later~~~~~~~~~~~

When Midnight stops running we are under a tree and im laying on him telling him my problems.

"I mean Mid he could have at least defended me I'm his mate after all"i say almost crying and midnight puts his neck over my shoulder as to say its ok.

"I mean he's screwed up a lot but this time its unforgivable,if he's going to keep hurting me like this and thinks all he has to do is apologize to get on my good side again he is sadly mistaken i don't want him back then im so done with that"i tell Midnight while crying my eyes out.

When i finally stop crying i realize the sun is setting and i don't wanna go back home yet to many problems to tackle head on.

"Hey midnight i don't wanna go home"i tell him honestly.

Midnight stands up and gestures for me to get in his back so i hoist myself up on him while he's still walking which proves to be difficult but i still manage.

And just like that were off i don't know where Midnight is taking me but i trust him i mean he's been with for as long as i remember,i love him and i know he would never steer me wrong.

He would only try and help me but when i see where midnight is taking this is the only thing that pops into my mind

'People are going to be ticked at me'

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