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"What's with the weird pet names?" Isa asked blatantly. "They aren't pet names, it's what they are known as internationally, you know, like a street name." I replied. "So they're like what, superheroes or something?" She inquired.
"Not at all, in fact they aren't really do gooders at all, quite the contrary actually." I said. Isa's curiosity intensified so greatly as to the point where I felt like I actually saw it bubbling out of her. "But how did they get their names? Are they criminals? Do they kill people? Where did Keva learn how to fight? What is Alan's deal? What do the names mean, David? Tell me!!! Tell m...."
I covered her mouth with my palm and said.
"Isa, you know I love you, but what have I always said I have equal love for?" "Sleep." Isa sighed as I took my hand off. "Bingo, and right now, Daddy needs his sleep." I said with a smile. "Hahaha you're such a perv, do you really expect me to call you that?" Isa laughs joyously. "I'll get you to come around toots, one way or another." I said as I leaned over to kiss her.
Every kiss I shared with Isa was the equivalent to the dazzling champagne-induced buzz of a New Year's Eve. And with each one that passed, I felt myself become more enamoured every time. "Alright, you've convinced me to let you have some shut-eye for now, but you better tell me tomorrow or I swear to God I will tickle you right into the depths of Hell." She said as we lay down beside each other. I turned off the lamp.
"As you wish, mademoiselle." I said as I pulled her in closer. I held her tight, and she intertwined her fingers with my own. The rain had stopped, the air conditioner continued its steady hum, and her warmth paired excellently with the sheets that enveloped us both in a coccoon of comfort. And finally, I closed my eyes.
The next day, I was at the coffee shop, when suddenly a hand slammed my laptop shut. I looked up to meet my gaze with a bag, a cup of coffee, and an angel. "Mocha Coconut, sesame bagel with cream cheese and smoked salmon, just how you like it." Isa grinned. "Now mister, you owe me something."
My stomach rumbled and I quickly took my bribe and said "Fine, what do you wanna know?". "I wanna know about their nicknames, and how they even met each other, and more importantly, what this all has to do with joy." She said as she sat down. "One thing at a time, sweetheart". I said munching into my bagel. "Alright in order to know how they met, you first have to know who each of them is. Let's start with..."

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⏰ Last updated: May 13, 2018 ⏰

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