Twisted Disney Not-So-Princess #20: Nala

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The hyenas were attacking Pride Rock. Simba was fighting Scar. What was Nala to do?

Oh yeah.

Defend her home.

Nala jumped from one of the lower platforms of Pride Rock and stood among her fellow lionesses, glaring at the hyenas. They were all laughing maniacally, giving the lionesses a deadly glare. Spit dripped from their disgusting mouths as they laughed. Nala wanted to tear their necks wide open. She wanted these revolting creatures to go to Hell.

Nala stood her ground, controlling her desire to kill. She waited for their move, but they seemed to wait for her; or tease her. They twitched from leg to leg, laughing and splitting. A deep rumble came from Nala's chest. It grew and grew until a roaring growl escaped her mouth. That was enough for the lionesses. They ran after the hyenas, each step they took sent a pound to the ground. Nala joined them, narrowing her cat-like eyes. She opened her mouth and gripped onto one's neck. She locked her jaws in place and rose her claws. Each swipe dug into the hyenas' chest, ripping closer and closer to its heart.

Nala swung her head. She heard a satisfying tear and tasted a metallic liquid against her tongue. She didn't look back and ran to the next hyena. This was Nala's drug. Murdering. What could you expect from a hunter, a lionesses? Most lionesses are like this, but Nala was special. Isn't that always the case? They're always special. Maybe for a few others but Nala craved blood. She didn't care who it's from, as long as she had it.

And it was only a matter of time before that switch in her head flipped, and the real Nala came out to hunt.

The hyenas started to retreat back to the Pride Lands. Nala was sad that they went to leave, but happy at the same time. Those stinking hyenas were a pain in the ass, and now that Simba was back things would change. Everything would be better.

But who am I kidding, this is not a happy ending story.

A loud and powerful roar was heard from the fight above. Smoke blocked Nala's vision from seeing anything. A lion was killed. Whoever roared was the winner. Nala's heart pounded in her ears as the smoke slowly started to fade as rain came down. Nala held her breath, then her worst fear came true. Scar won.

Simba laid at his feet, a pool of blood surrounding him. Simba had died. Nala felt dizzy. She swayed and looked at Simba's mother. She stared up at Scar with so much hatred, so much anger, if only looks could kill...

That was enough. The switch flipped. All Nala could see was Scar, and her jaws tearing him open.

Nala darted up the path and leaped up to the platform that Scar was on. He smirked at the lioness. Nala roared, showing her fangs and razor sharp teeth. Scar decided to play along and growled back, that same smirk still etched on his face. As if this was a game. To Nala, this was a hunt.

She didn't wait another minute, she ran after Scar. Nala manage to knock Scar down. She jumped on top of him, digging her claw into his throat. Scar lifted his hind legs under Nala and kicked her off. Nala was quick. She jumped back onto her feet and lowered her head, snarling at Scar, while he only smirked.

I wouldn't smirk if I were him.

Nala dashed after him again, this time running straight past him. Confused, Scar turns to look at her, but Nala is already on his other side. She sank her teeth into his side and pulled down. Scar yelled in pain and shook her off. From his shoulder to his hip was two long tears, like on a blanket. Scar fell. Nala wasn't going to show mercy or pity.

She stalked toward the lion, her eyes gleaming with revenge. Scar glared up at her, that smirk long gone. "Kill me already," He spoke, words dripping with hate.

"No," Nala said. She sounded like she was in a dream. "I'm going to make you pay."

Nala attacked. She clawed at his chest, tearing away the skin and flesh. Scar tried to run, but Nala had him firmly pinned down. She drove her teeth straight into his weak meat. She locked around a huge muscle and ran her tongue over it. One the count of three, Nala started to pull back. Scar's eyes widen. His breath caught in his throat. Nala shoved her hind legs into the ground and pulled with her teeth. She felt the muscle start to break away from the rest of the tissue.

Blood splattered and flew everywhere, but Nala only closed her eyes to blink it away. Her sandy fur was spotted in blood.


Nala ripped the muscle free from Scar's chest. She quickly spit it from her mouth and looked at Scar. He gasped for air, but he didn't seem to get any. Nala laid down and rested her head in her paws, right near Scar's face. He tries to swipe at Nala, but he was too weak. Nala merely pushed his paw away and stared straight into his eyes.


She looked behind her. Timon and Pumba. What did they want? She stood and stared at the two weaker animals. They looked terrified as blood slowly ran down Nala's chin. Her mouth was soaked in the metallic substance, so was her front paws and chest. Timon was shaking. Pumba gave Nala a weird look, then she started to walk toward them with a deadly look in her eyes.

Timon ran behind Pumba. He poked his head out and smiled nervously. "N-nala, we're your friends, ri-right?"

Nala grinned. "Run."

Timon looked puzzled. "What?"

"I said, run."

The two started to yell at the top of their lungs and ran. Nala growled into the night and darted after them. Her blood lust was powerful. She wanted to see what Pumba looked like inside, she wanted to see his blood spill out onto the ground. Timon was a one bite meal, but Nala could do something.

Nala leaped into the air, claws out and ready. She hooked onto Pumba's back and dragged him down. The two rolled on the ground, but Nala never let go. When Pumba tried to stand up, Nala pulled him closer. She looked down at the shaking worthog.

"I'm sorry," She spoke, soft and quiet. Tears were heard in her voice, but none displayed in her eyes. Her silky voice was the last Pumba would hear, before Nala sank her teeth into his back and ripped the chunk out.

Timon watches from a tree. His best friend was being ripped apart, and there was nothing he could do. It was only a matter of time before Nala caught him, and it wouldn't be long now. Naka viciously tore Pumba apart. She ripped his leg from it's socket, broke it, then threw it aside. Each tear was a gorey rip. Skin broke and tore, blood and veins bursted out. Nala loved it and hated it at the same time. This was Pumba, a friend she could trust. Now, he feasted on him.

On him, and Timon.


Hey guys! Sorry if this isn't as you expected, I didn't have much to work with. FYI, Nala is the first animal princess/non-princess I've done!

Dedicated to cuddlewithmenialler bc her comments make me laugh all of the time. Thank you xD

Thanks for all of the votes, comments, follows! Believe it or not, I read each and every comment on each chapter. It means the world to me that 1000 and some people like what I do. Thanks!

Now, if you excuse me, I shall play chapter 5 of Corpse Party.

Comment what princess you want twisted next!

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