Twisted Disney Not-So-Princess #24: Esmeralda

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Warning: It's been forever since I've seen The Hunchback of Notre Dome, so bare with me and my shitty memory~


She was believed to be dead, or at least she was healing. That's what Phoebus hoped, as well as Quasimodo.

They didn't know that the smoke had burned her lungs when Quasi saved her. It found it's way into her throat, scorching the fragile flesh inside. Her lungs were filled with it, yet she wasn't dead. It was amazing, a miracle only made by God.

While Quasi was fighting Frollo, Esmeralda lay unconscious on a bed of pillows. Her chest rose and fell slowly, indicating that the beauty was indeed alive. In her mind, she was fighting to stay on this Earth. She was exhausted and weak, all she wanted to do was lay down and sleep, but she knew she couldn't. She had to stop Frollo from hurting anyone else. Quasi especially. He had helped her so much.

With a flutter of her lashes, her bright green eyes shone in the dark room she was in, "Quasimodo?" She slowly looked around, seeing no one present. Carefully, Esmeralda sat up, a hand wrapped in her curly black hair. She scanned the room again, making sure she was alone, then stood. Surprisingly, she didn't feel weak. She felt well energized, given that a minute ago she was fighting for her life mentally. The green eyed Gypsie saw fire from outside the bell tower's Windows, then remembered all too well about the bastard Frollo. She rushed upstairs, but not before grabbing two rods she had found on the floor.

She stunk her way up the stone steps to the peak of the bell tower, where she could hear Frollo's taunts about Quasi. This only made her blood boil. He talked about that man as if he were trash, all because of his looks. His angered Esmeralda to her core, and she intended to teach Frollo a lesson about judging.

Once she reached the peak, she saw Frollo try to knock Quasi over the edge. With fury in her veins, she charges toward the old man, with both rods held firmly in her grasp. She aimed for his ribcage, but Frollo heard her footsteps and quickly blocked her attack. She was thrown back, but she didn't fall on the floor so easily. Esmeralda gobbled slightly, but stood her ground against Frollo, who was staring at her with a weird look. She gave him a glare back.

Quasimodo had disappeared from Esmeralda's sights, but she didn't want him there abyway. She didn't want him to see how she would kill Frollo. How her mind has been picturing the way his blood would flow onto her hands...

It made her all giddy inside.

She wasn't going to make his death fast. She wanted to torture him, it's what he deserved. She just needed an advantage on the old man. Then she'd let out her anger.

"You piece of filth," He mumbled. "You witch. Burn. That's what you'll do. Burn."

Esmeralda only smirked, "I'm not the only one with a terrible fate, am I?"

Frollo grinned as well. With him grinning, the girl flashed her teeth, and like a dance, she shifted her foot to the side, and her dance of death began.

Frollo came at her with grabbing hands, but unlike him, she knew this dance. She bent backwards, out of reach from him, and crouched low on her feet. She swiftly hit his gut hard before standing back up and hoping over to the church bell. Frollo spun around to face her, but had to move because of the huge golden bell coming his way.

"You're not taking me out with a bell, Gypsy," He spat and looked for her, but she was not there. Esmeralda had danced her way over to fire, and with great desire, she stuck both metal rods into the flames.

Suddenly, she felt two arms yank her away. Frollo had grabbed her and locked both arms around her skinny waist. She squirmed and kicked in his arms while yelling French curses. Frollo, with difficult, dragged the Gypsy over to the bell's edge. He purposely hung her feet over the side, in which Esmeralda grabbed onto Frollo's arms for dear life. He smiled with victory.

He snuggled his face in her ear, grinning, "You need me, girl. Now, join me or explode on the ground like a pumpkin."

Esmeralda was a stubborn girl, even when looking in the face of death.

She managed to set her feet onto the edge of the tower and pushed back onto Frollo. He stumbled back, which helped her. With enough space, Esmeralda hit him in the neck with her elbow. Frollo let go. She scurried over to the fire and grabbed the rods. They burned her, before she used her dress and grabbed them again. With Frollo still down, Esmeralda ran over to him and lifted his chin up with her foot. She quickly shoved the rods into his bottom lip, pushing them in with force, breaking his teeth in the process.

Frollo erupted in pain, yelling and cursing. The Gypsy gave one more push, then pulled both rods out. She heard satisfying sizzles from his skin, and she smiled with envy.

"You little piece of-!"

"Shut it!"

She rammed one rod into his knee, busting the cap almost instantly. Frollo howled in endless pain, drawing his head back. He didn't move, which was probably a mistake in itself. Esmeralda pulled the rod out and used the flatter part of it and drove that underneath his other knee cap. She didn't give another second's thought, she pulled upwards.

His knee flew into the air, raining blood on both our them.

"Ha... haha... haha haha... hahahahahahahAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!" Esmeralda doubled over, hiding her face with her hair. She continued to laugh and giggled. Her back jumped with each crackle of laughter. "You're going to die!"

She looked at Frollo with a crazed smile. One corner of her mouth twitched. She dropped both rods (well one was still jammed into Frollo's knee) and started to push Frollor over the side of the bell tower. She ignored his pleas, and laughed at his insults after. She watched his fly in the air, and splat onto the ground like a pumpkin afterwards. She crossed her legs, held her ankles, and looked over the side.

"My people would have loved to watch you die."

She spat and watched it land on his disfigured body. She leaned back and forth, giggling until Quasi came back with Phoebus, but Esmeralda was long gone.


Hallo! :D

Sorry if this is short /.\ I just wanted to get into it straight away since its been a while... shoot. Sorry bout that.

Okay, so since Halloween is coming up, I decided to write an extra special chapter for you guys! Suggest two princesses that i've twisted already and I'll write an epic battle scene between the two! Who's your favorite? Who did you hate? Suggest them and they might fight it out to see who's ultimate twisted Disney princess! I'll post the chapter on my birthday, October 28th, three days before Halloween. Its gonna be awesome!

Comment what two princesses you want to see battle each other!

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