Hunted - Chapter One

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Hey Guys! This is a story I have been working on for a while now, I will try to upload each time I get one to two comments and or a vote. This chapter is dedicated to XxSkater2Girl16xX because after reading her stories, it inspired me to let all of you read mine. Hope you guys like it! 



     Splish, sploosh! Angie was vigorously pumping a dress in and out of the water. She was a short 15 year old girl with caramel colored skin, vivid green eyes, and black hair. She paused for a moment of rest before continuing her chore of washing her village’s clothes. It was her job to wash every villager's clothes once a week and then when they were dry, to fold and pass back out to each family's house. Finished with the shirt she was cleaning, Angie stood to hang it on a line of rope that stretched between two houses. Then, she started to fold all the clothes that were dry. Suddenly quite tired, Angie walked to her hut and flopped on to her hammock, falling almost instantly asleep.

     A far away gunshot and scream of pain and anger from a wild animal rang out into the air. She sat up with a start, which made the hammock flip over and dump her onto the ground. Picking herself off the floor, she noted that the desperate cry had come somewhere from the left. She reached under her bed and grabbed her sack of valuables. When she checked her compass, which she had found in the jungle several years before, she saw that the sound had come from the west. Angie tried to match the scream with an animal, but it didn't seem to fit any of them.  She quit trying to figure it out and decided to ask her Pa later that night during dinner


     Later that evening, when her family was eating dinner, she casually brought up the subject, “I heard an animal scream this afternoon, it sounded far away. What do you think it came from, Pa?”

     “Well now, it could have come from a jaguar, or maybe even a tiger. Though from the sound I think that a tiger would be the best guess.” Pa said.

     Angie thought about this, then asked, “I heard a gunshot too. Who could have shot it?”

     A flicker of hesitation crossed Pa's face before he answered, “Probably poachers.”

     “Poachers?” Angie asked.

     “Poachers are people who hunt animals almost to extinction just for their skins, bones, tusks, teeth, or claws. They then sell these body parts on the Black Market or to private collectors.”

     “What's the Black Market?”

     “The Black Market is a market where people sell items that are illegal to sell to people to are willing to buy those illegal items.”

     Angie stared at her Pa with an expression of horror on her face. Then she swallowed hard and focused on her food.

     The family ate the rest of their dinner in silence.

     After dinner, as Angie was getting ready for bed, she thought about the discussion she and her father had. She was so disgusted that anyone would kill such powerful and beautiful creatures such as tigers for their body parts that she wanted to do something about it. 'That does it,' thought Angie. 'I am going into the jungle to try and save those tigers!' 


     A whole week had gone by. It was very late. Angie was feeling drowsy. She was waiting for everyone to fall asleep before she carried out her plan. During the last week she had raided the kitchen for food for her journey through the jungle. She had a sack under her hammock filled with food, bedding, rope, clothes, a compass, and a lantern that she had “borrowed” from her annoying brother's friend. Once she felt certain that everyone was asleep, she picked up her sack, hung it over her shoulder, and walked out of the hut. At the edge of the jungle, Angie took one more glance at the huts around her, who knew how long she would be gone? It might be the last time she would ever lay eyes on the village. Slowly, Angie turned around, took a deep breath, and stepped into the jungle.


Ok, I have been having trouble with writing long chapters, how can I make the chapters lengthier? Right now, each chapter is two wattpad pages. Would changing points of views help? Write only one character's perspective and get detailed in their thoughts? I NEED YOUR HELP!!!!!! I want to keep everyone satisfied with long chapters.

Also, are my transitions from each event understandable? it it easy to follow? Thanks for reading my story everyone!!!!!

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