Hunted - Chapter Six

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Hello again! Sorry for the super long wait, I had school, then a play, then diving, and lots and lots of homework. Ugh. Well, anyway, Here is the story! Hope you enjoy! Any commments on how to improve my writing skills, or some possible twists to the story would be much appreciated! Thanks guys!

Chapter 6

    This time Angie heard voices when she woke up again. She winces at the cramped feeling in legs and arms, as she is listening to the voices and sounds around her she hears the motor turn off and a car door open and slam. Angie waited tensely for the rough treatment she knows is coming.

    Hank and a tired looking Stuart walk around the corner of the truck to where she can see them. They say nothing to her. Hank grabs her feet and pulls her closer to him, she wiggles around to lay on her back. She watches in trepidation Hank pulls out a knife, spinning it around his finger as he leans in toward her and Angie shrinks up, suddenly very afraid of what he was going to do with that knife. He grabs her ankle and Angie kicked frantically, trying to escape his grip.

    Hank tightens his grip and twists her legs painfully underneath her to the point that she can’t move without pain shooting up her legs. She glared at him, he glared right back.

    “Do you want to be able to walk!” He demands threateningly.

    Angie glare faltered and she gulped and gave a small nod.

    “Then don’t move, I’m not gonna hurt you, I’m only going to cut the rope from your legs so you can walk on your own,” Hank said with a softer though still harsh tone. He relaxed his iron hold on Angie’s leg and straightened them out. He carefully cut the ropes and helped Angie out by holding her arm as she got her land legs again. Hank turned away from her to grab a bag. Without really thinking her plan through, she kicked him really hard on the shins. He howled and let go of her arm. Angie ran as fast as she could to get away. She could hear running footsteps behind her, she pushed herself to go even faster. A body suddenly slammed her to the ground she was flipped over and was greeted by Hank’s reddened face.

    “You little b*#@&! You try that again and you’ll go straight to the meat house!” Hank sneered angrily at her.

    Angie glared at him and spit in his face defiantly. As Hank wiped off the spit on his face she smirked. She didn’t even see his hand coming, one second she was looking at his face smugly, and the next she was looking to the side. She was shocked. She had never been hit before. Her cheek stung and smarted. Tears came to her eyes at the pain she choked back a sob.

    Hank gripped her jaw in his hand and squeezed, forcing her to turn her head and look him in the eye. He bent down real close to her and hissed, “Maybe next time you will think of the consequences before you do something like that, darlin!” He yanked her up and led her back to the truck in a painfully tight hold. She squirmed, tears running down her cheeks, trying to tell him he was hurting her, but he only gripped her tighter.

    “Stuart, grab her other arm please,” Hank said tersely. Stuart did so without a word. They dragged her to a large building where a crowd stood watching and shouting at something. They walked to the back of the building and Stuart stopped at the door. Hank dragged Angie with him into the building. The room reeked. A large muscular man smelling of smoke and alcohol came up to them and slapped Hank on the back in greeting, speaking a language she didn’t know. Hank brushed the man’s hand off his shoulder in distaste and then spoke to the man in the same unfamiliar language.

    Angie looked between them anxiously, they kept on looking over at her during their discussion, but she didn’t know why.

    The man walked over to her, “Name?” he asked in her language.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 31, 2012 ⏰

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