Hunted - Chapter Four

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Hola amigas y amiogs! This is the chapter Angie finally gets to know who the hunter is. PLEASE let me know what you think of Hank and Stuart. And who should they be in the cast? Love you all for reading! Enjoy! This chater is dedicated to vb123321 for being the best wattpader there is!



       At the doors, Angie noticed that the giant doors were thick and wooden; so thick that it seemed that it would be physically impossible for them to open and close. A large ragged hole in the corner of the left door marred the beautiful and elegant intricate designs. Keeto stepped through. Angie looked at Kogee who nodded at her to go before him. She ducked through and was stunned once more by the sight. They were all standing at the top of a temple’s steep steps looking down at a huge crumbling village overrun by the jungle.

       “Wow,” Angie breathed in awe. It was dusk and the view was incredible. The walls were covered with vines and plants; scattered spots of uncovered rubble created a mysterious aura of the place.

       Kogee then led them down the steps and turned left. He disappeared through an entrance covered in vines that was so hidden Angie would never have known it was there had she not seen him go through it.

       Suddenly she felt the weight of exhaustion crash upon her weary shoulders and stumbled through the opening into a small cozy room with three doorways. The floor was rock and looked swept. Angie set down her pack and took out her blankets and made her bed. She then pulled out a package of assorted nuts and dried fruit and ate. After eating she crawled into bed, yawned and closed her eyes.


       Angie woke up to the screeching of monkeys. She sat up and noticed she was alone. She got up and peeked outside. Still no sign of them. She walked out and climbed the temple steps, stopping at the top to look for them at a birds-eye view. As she gazed over the village and treetops, she spotted a thin trail of smoke. Frowning, she squinted her eyes a bit to see more clearly.

       “Good morning!” Keeto said behind her very loudly.

       Angie gasped and jumped, “Jeez, don’t scare me like that!”

       “Oh, sorry,” Keeto said apologetically.

       Kogee appeared coming from behind Keeto, “I take it you saw the smoke?” When Angie nodded he continued, “Good, cause that’s where we’re going after you eat. There is a peach tree in the center of the village.”


       An hour later the group had finished eating breakfast, and they were now treading softly and swiftly through the jungle.

       Kogee stopped and cocked his head, “I hear voices.”

       Angie, try as she might, couldn’t hear a thing, “I don’t hear anything.”

       “Well you don’t have our sensitive hearing,” said Keeto.

       A faint but distinctive clang came from up ahead. Kogee turned to Angie.

       “You need to get on my back now. We have to be extra cautious around the Hunter.”

       Angie climbed onto his back and crouched low. Keeto nodded in satisfaction and then led the way closer to the hunter.

       Finally they were close enough. Angie saw him. He had tan skin, low cropped dark brown hair, hazel eyes and a very muscular build. He wore dirty green and brown camouflage pants, a dark green shirt and thick-soled army boots with spikes on the bottom for grip. If he wasn’t the hunter, she might’ve thought he was handsome. He was walking around cooking what smelled to be eggs. He seemed very clumsy with cooking and Angie had to stifle a laugh numerous times at his awkward movements.

       They were watching him for a couple minutes when out of the tent came a second man. He didn’t look like the hunter. He had a wrinkled tan shirt and wore sneakers and rumpled jeans. He shuffled around in a way that depicted that he had just woken up.

       “What was all that clangin’ about, Hank?”

       “Good morning Stuart. Are you up for some nice scrambled eggs?” asked Hank.

       “Naw, I like my eggs soft, not crunchy with the shells.” Hank bent over and dug around in a pack and pulled out a bag of crackers, nuts, dried berries, and a canteen of water.

       Hank glared at him and said defensively, “I do not make eggs using the egg shells!”

       “Yeah, whatever floats your boat. So, what are you gonna do now? You’ve got one tiger. Plannin’ on gettin’ any more?”

       “Yes, yes I do. I want to stay for another week or so to catch one more tiger if possible.”

       Stuart groaned, “Can’t we go stay in town for a few days to rest up ‘n relax? Be near civilization?”

       Hank didn’t answer.


       “Fine, we can stock up on food while we’re there. We leave tomorrow.” Hank said reluctantly.


       After staying a while longer and hearing nothing of interest, Angie and the tigers left and went back to the ruins to talk and relax until the next day.

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