Chapter 5: 'Nahh I kinda like this Position'

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Picture of Shadow. What he was wearing.
Music video about how London was feeling.

London POV

"Are you alright London?" Luke asked concerned.

"Yeah, yeah. I'm fine don't worry." I shrugged but inside I'm dying, picking up pieces of my heart.
I'm not going to lie and say I didn't care about what Shadow said.
I know I shouldn't cause all this isn't real, the marriage.
He's still going to be an arshole, and I'm still going to deny my feelings for him.
You know what? I really don't care anymore.

"Lets go guys, it so intense right now, it's making me nervous." Always rely on Nazzie to say something like that to lighten the mood.
"Yeah, she's right" April agreed.

"We've got to go" Liam said pointing to them, their dates and Nazzie.

"Can you take me with you?" I whispered, although I already knew the answer.
Luke and Liam gave me pitiful looks, before hugging me and walking away.

"I hate that arshole, I'm sorry you got stuck with him. . ."
Nazzie frowned before hugging me.

"The feeling is mutual." I muttered.

"Aren't i going to get a hug too?" Carter winked at Nazzie, causing her to blush a deep red.

"Go on." I pushed her into his open arms, he smirked before wrapping his arm around her.
Hugging him back, her small arms could only reach around his waist, since he was so tall compared to her.
He let go, but not before bending down and kissing her cheek.
I couldn't help but envy them.
Why couldn't me and Shadow be like this?

"You're too cute." she blushed before mouthing, 'thank you.'
"Bye!" They said before walking out the door.
I really wish they would come back and take me with them and say this is all a joke,

But of course not.

This is really happening.

"I think we should all get going." Noah suggested, smiling.
I just nodded in agreement.

Carter and April helped me up and we all walked to the two cars that was waiting for us outside.
After 10 minutes of driving we finally arrived 'home'.

I got out and walked straight to our room, and noticed Shadow wasn't in there, probably in his office as usual.
I wasn't in the mood to put up with him anyway.
Walking into our walk in closet, I picked out some monkey pajama bottoms, and a full sleeved black top.
I went into the bathroom, removed all my make up, had a shower then put the clothes on and tied my hair in two ponytails.

I folded my clothes and placed them in my laundry bag before climbing inside our comfy bed.
I looked at my hand, admiring my ring once again.
It was just so...beautiful.
I was honestly surprised when he told me he asked Nazzie, but then he had to be a jerk again. Reaching over to my bedside table, I turned off my lamp before falling fast asleep, dreaming about Shadows gorgeous eyes.

"London wake up!" I heard someone shout in my ear.
"No. . . just two more minutes. . ." I said, going back to dreaming about Shadow.

"What? You know what. . ." I heard the person let out a sigh.

Suddenly the covers were snatched off me, causing goosebumps to form.
I slowly opened my eyes to see Jett glaring at me.
Jheez, what crawled up his butt and died?
"Get ready, we got training today" He ordered before walking out.

"What? No hello or good morning?" I shouted at him.


I stood up slowly, excuse me but it takes a lot of energy to wake up at 6 in the morning.
Oh my god, what is wrong with him, does he not have any later times to train?
The earliest I've ever woken up was probably at noon.
Don't judge, a girl needs her beauty sleep,you know!
Walking into my closet, I got out my sports bra, lacy underwear, tracksuits and a black tank top.

I walked into my bathroom, I quickly brushed my teeth and had a shower, tying my wet hair into a messy bun.
I put the clothes on, and decided to wear a bit of concealer to hide my bags and lip balm to moisturise my lips.
I quickly slipped my Black jordans on.

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