Chapter 25: "Are you crazy?"

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Hey guys, this chapter was supposed to be split into two parts but since I've reached 100k! I decided to make into one since you guys are absolutely amazing but since I can't use my laptop, I'm forced to use my phone and I hate typing with my phone. it's tiring and annoying but I will try and if any mistakes,I'm sorry. don't worry I have someone editing my book.😀

London POV

"Does this even look good?" I groaned to myself.

"If it's not a date, then why are you worried about how you look?" Shadow glared.

"Because I don't want to look ugly, idiot." I mumbled the last part, hoping he won't hear.

"What was that?" He challenged, raising an eyebrow at me.

"Nothing. . ." I sighed, not wanting to argue with him.

"So, what time is that dick going to pick you up at?" He chuckled at his own insult.

"One, his names Romeo - not dick. Two, stop being rude, and three, about now, he's waiting downstairs."
I snapped.

"So I see you're still angry about yesterday." I just ignored that comment.
"Why does that name sound so familiar?" Shadow muttered to himself.

"I don't have time for this so, bye." I rolled my eyes, annoyed with Shadow.

I quickly examined myself once again. I was wearing an oversized Jersey top, which reached the top of my thigh, it was black and white with the number 19 on it.
Black tight leggings, with my white converses. I had on gold hoop earrings. I straightened my hair and left it out and for make up, I decided on concealer to cover my bags, bronzer, thin eyeliner with no wing and finally a bit of light red lipstick.

"You look good, as usual." Shadow said whilst walking to the bathroom.

"Thank you." I felt my cheeks redden.
"I'm going to leave now, bye Shadow."

"Bye, I hope you. . . don't have fun." He smiled before entering the bathroom.
I chuckled lightly before leaving the room.

I saw Romeo standing there on his phone, I must admit he looked hot!
He was wearing a tight vest, checkered shorts and the same Nike shoes as yesterday.

"Hey Romeo!" I tapped his shoulder.
"Oh! Hey bebé, I didn't see you there." He quickly shoved his phone back in his pocket.
I dismissed the action and continued on talking,
"I just got here, shall we go?"

"Yeah, sure thing." He smiled, which I returned.

"How far is the fair?" I asked, as we began walking.

"It's on the same beach we were at yesterday, just at the back" He explained.

"Okay, I can't wait!" I was so excited.
I loved fairs, ever since I was little - especially when my mum took me.
We had so much fun, eating cotton candy, joking about and going on the scary rides.

After she passed, I had no one to go with since my dad was busy at work and my brothers were busy helping.
I guess when Romeo asked I couldn't stop myself from saying no. . .

"What you thinking about?" He asked.

"My mum. . ." I answered truthfully.

"Oh. . . I tend to think about my parents too." He smiled again, we had so much in common.

"Estás preciosa, you are precious. . ." His eyes travelled up and down my body, making me insecure and honestly uncomfortable. it probably because I'm married and it doesn't feel right.

"Thank you." I mumbled.
I could see him still stare at me from the corner of my eye. When I turned around, he quickly averted his eyes elsewhere.

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