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Izuku and katsuki were walking home from school chatting, it was the day after katsuki had gotten his quirk"I can't wait till I get my quirk kacchan, I hope it's as cool as yours"midoriya said "ha deku your quirk will never be as cool as mine "katsuki sneered but then seeing the hurt look on his best friends face he added"but your quirk will be great because it has to because if you want to be in a hero duo with me ".(if your wondering since they haven't found out midoriyas quirkless yet i'am making katsuki a lot kinder to deku)just then midoriyas older sister yuu came running up to the pair ,she  looked batted and brusded and she was crying "izuku, oh thank God your ok" izuku just stood there confused "what ya mean?"as yuu reached them she fell to the ground sobbing "villains"she sobed hugging izuku tightly "they came to the house looking for dad and when mum told them he had not been there for years  they grabbed here and dragged her outside saying if all might didn't come they were going to kill her"izuku just stood there froze.In the end it was katsuki who acted first yelling"well don't just stand there crying come on we have to help her"izuku shaped out of his trans shaking his sister by the shoulder to get her moving and nodded at katsuni. His sister got up whipping her face with her sleave "right" she nodded"let's go"and the three started running

They made it to the building and saw there mum held by here hair and at gun point"mum"izuku yelled casing the hero's and villain to turn there hadst and look at him"oh the bitch got kids has she "the villain who midoriya thinks is called headless (I am bad at naming things sorry)chuckles darkly "well they must be valuable " midoriya and katsuki didn't know what this ment but yuu did "leave my mother alone you basterd, just take me insted" "yuu no"inko said as she regained consesness (I did mention that she was knocked out right?)"I'm not worth it" ,all while this was going on the hero's had been just standing there doing nothing and this greatly confused katsuki so he yelled "hey hero's why aren't you helping" this shocked the hero's but finally snaped them in to action "hey headless put the hosteg down"endeavor yelled up at the villain"yeh let her go" a younger newer hero yelled midoriya recognised him from the list of new graduates from UA called beam his quirk is that he could shoot laser beams that could cut through anything from his hands."ha come and get me " the villain yelled midoriya noticed that this made the hero's angry "I will then""no stop" yuu yelled but it was too late .the hero had all ready shot the beam and quick as a flash the villain used inko as a human Sheild but it shot through both of then ,killing both"mum"yuu and midoriya yelled at the same time running to the failed body,katsuki was frozen in place ."mum"yuu was sobbing on her hands and knees blood pooling around her and the body .midoriya stood there tears dripping down his face but sorrow turned to anger as a hero put a had on his shoulder and said"sorry for your loss" izuku turned round and hit the hero yelling "it's all your fault my mum is dead,its all the hero's fault" the hero was shocked "now look kid that's a villains way of thinking" izuku was shocked.villains were supposed to be evil but maybe they were right"well then" izuku said "maybe the villains are right" everyone gasped and endeavor yelled to the other hero's to get him and izuku knowing what was going to happen ran down a dark ally and turned a corner and hide in a bin as the hero's ran past and then he jumped out and ran in the opposite direction of the heros and never looked back

Deku gasped sitting up in bed and grabbed his head ,he had that dream again ,it  was while since he last had it ,it has been years since that day and he has aways tried to put it to the back of his mind .he hasn't seen yuu or katsuki in ten years ,his train of thought was broken when his boyfriend grouned waking up beside him "bad dream ?" he askes pulling him self up besides deku ,"yeah a bad memory actually and I'm also a bit nervous for tomorrow " his boyfriend shakes his he'd beside him "look there's nothing to be nervous about " "nothing to be nervous about " izuku says shocked "dear even Dabies nervous about the mission " smirking his boyfriend says"toga isnt" "dear it's toga,she doesn't have any other emotion then love struck" deku says back " well what is the mission agien " deku signs"me ,you,toga and dabi are going to attack UA and hopefulley take down all might , shoto"shoto grins at him the sunlight filtering through the blinds making his red and white hair shine "and we will be know around the world as the villains who took down all might right" shoto says " yes " deku says grinning " we will finally get revenge agensed those who wronged us


Hi this is my first time writing a story ,sorry about the spelling mistakes and about the short chapter though all the chapters will probably be this long and I will get into the actual story soon I just want to get how they met and became villains first so the actual bit you clicked on this story for (if anyone did) will begin in chapter three or four sorry anyway thanks for reading this story(agien if you did at all)and the next chapter will be out soon like next Saturday because these chapters are a bitch to wright


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