Flowey just wants to talk

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Blueberry POV~~~~

"How did this happen! How does something like this happen!" Ink panicked. "Ok, maybe we should calm down, and think about what we our going to do." Dream reasoned. "I think we look kinda cool!" I said, holding my arms out. We all had pale skin. Ink wore a brown scarf, like his normal one, he also wore a dark brown tee with a black long sleaved under-shirt. He also had lighter brown pants with blue line designed on them, and light blue ribbens(?) Hanging from his pants. He had light rainbow hair, and one blue eye and one yellow eye. He also wore a blue sash with paint tubes hanging from them.

      Dream wore yellow fingerless gloves, blue jeans, and blue jacket(?) with a yellow hood and a white tee under neath. His hair was blonde, and he had yellow eyes.

       Lastly, I wore a grey tee with a small star on the corner, and a black under-shirt. I also wore brown pants and my blue bandana. I had white hair, though I could not see my eye color (they are blue).

(I drew these, you can tell cause they are so bad XP)
       "But we're kids! How are you so calm blue?" Ink asked. "I dont know, I just dont feel like panicking" I shrugged. "Good! because panicking is not going to help. Got that Ink!" Dream stated. "I got it! I got it! *Sighs* I-I think I'm good know! Sorry, just a little freaked out..." "Its fine, I think we should start looking around." I suggested. "I think your right, maybe we'll find answers, or at least someone who can tell us where we are." Dream agreed. "Then lets go!"  I said, pulling them so they would start walking. They followed, laughing. "Ok, were coming! No need go pull us blue!" Ink laughed.
     We walked into a dark room, with a patch of grass, and in the middle of that patch, was an echo flower with a face on it. Smiling. "Howdy! Im Flowey! Flowey the flower!" 'Flowey' said. "Hmmmm.... your new to the Underground, arent 'cha?" "Ya, you could say that..." Ink mumbled. "Well then, someone should teach you how things work around here!" He said, still smiling. "Guess little old me will have to do!" Soon the only thing  seen in the room was flowey, us, and are souls. I had a green soul, Ink had a yellow soul, and Dream had a blue soul.
      "See those hearts? Those are each of your guyses individual souls! Your soul is the very cumilation if your being! Go ahead and move them around!" He insisted. We moved them around, though catiously. Flowey grinned. "See, your soul starts of weak, but can get stronger with LV! Whats LV? Why, LOVE of course!" I said happily. I, for some reason, could not remember what else LOVE satanded for, so I didn't think much of it. "You want some LOVE, don't 'cha?" He asked. "Ummm... I-I actually think-" Dream tried, but was cut off by Flowey. "Don't worry! Ill share some with you!" White seed like things apeared over his head. "Down here, LOVE is shared through, little white...'Friendlyness Pellets!" He said, sounding a little unsure. "Go ahead! Catch as many as you can with your soul!" He insited, then they started to fly to us. I made it look like I was trying, but was really trying to avoid them. Dream did the same thing. Ink, was either not so lucky, or he realky did trust Flowey. But either way, he got hit with one, and almost imidietly afterwards, he fell over, with cuts and brusises all over. His HP apeared, and showed 1/20. Thats not good.
    Flowey laughed. "YoU iDioTs! In tHIs WoRld, ItS KilLeD oR Be kILlEd! WhY WoUlD AnyOnE PasS Up aN oPerTuniTy lIkE ThIS! FOr nOT JusT OnE! BUt THREE HUMAN SOULS!" He surrounded us with 'friendlyness pellets, then screamed "DIE!" As they slowly got closer, he started laughing even more as they closed in. We started to scream in fear, as we hugged each other.
    Then, they all disapeared. Flowey stopped laughing at looked confused. Then, out of noware, a fireball hit Flowey, sending him out of view. But, a different monster apeared, taking his place. They were a kid goat monster.l, and girl. She wore a light purple and pink dress, with open toe boots, with a bow in her ear/hair. "What a horribly mean creature! Torturing such young, innocent humans!" She said softly "Do not be frightened, young children! For I am Toriel the healer, and I live here in the Ruins!"

TIS DONE! YAAAASSS!!! *Clears throught* sorry, but I have been working on this since I posted the prologe! And I had it, after a week or less of writing, I had easily finished it! Then, I went to publish it, and my internet cut out, so it told me to reload. I had saved in enough times for it NOT to erase it all, right? Ya, of course not... It deleted 2/3 of my chapter!! Like, REALLY!!! I. WAS. MAD!  But now I finished it, and its all good! All done with chapter one! Now onto chapter two! Write to ya'll later!

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