Chapter five

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        I had to spend the night at the hospital, just so the doctors could make sure nothing was wrong. When I woke up the next morning it was real early so I got my phone out and started to type a text to Matthew, I felt really bad aout what had happened and I hope that he can forgive me. After I typed the whole message it took me so long to send it because I was holding back thinking about sending it, after a few minutes I finnaly sent the message. Within the same minute he wrote me back, he asked if I was ok and where I was and if I could meet him somewhere. I of course had to tell him I was in the hospital and didn't know when I was going to be able to, he never answered me so I tried to go back to sleep but I just couldn't get my conversation with Max out of my head. I roled over to face away from the door, when a nurse came in "Samantha there is someone here to see you." I sat up still very sore and when I looked up again Matthew was standing in the door way, "Hey." he said with a half smile, "Hey" We talked for a while then my nurse came in and said that I could go home the only problem is that there was no way I could go home, Matthew said that he could take me, the nurse gave him a questioning look, then said to take it easy and she let us go, the ride home with Matthew was quite.

        When we got to my house Matthew offered to help me in I told him no that I can get it on my own, he understood. I got out of the car tol him thanks for the ride and went inside. He waited until I got inside before he drove away. I went into my room it felt so good to be home under my soft comfoter. As soon as I roled over to face the wall my phone rang and with the ringtone I instantly knew it was Max. I answered and he started talking really fast once he calmed down i could understand that he was asking if I was ok. After talking to Max I roled over and went to sleep.

The next morning all I wanted to do was sleep but once i was up my body wouldnt let me go back to sleep so I got up and went in the living room still in my pj's because I hadnt felt like changing yet. About an hour after I woke up I hear a knock on the door I look out my fron winow seeing that it is Emily, I let her in of course. She comes in and sits down we start talking I start off our conversation by asking "What should I do?" "she repies about what?' I say "about the whole Max and Matthew thing" she said "follo your heart." " you know how much I hate it when people say that" "take a walk it will clear your mind. Well I just stopped by to see how you are doing but I have to go I will talk to you later" after Emily leaves I decide that I should shower because I still have that hospital smell on me and I just need to get clean after being in the hospital. So I shower and get some clothes and decide to take a walk like Emily said, but when I get outside I forgot about the crash and I realize my car isn't in the driveway. It's times like these I wish that my mom was here but she is away with business and won't be back for another year. I decide to call her that was the deal that I would call her once a month or more to check in, as soon as I dial I already know it will go to voicemail and sure enough it does so I leave this message " hey mom it's me just checking in well call when you get the chance love you bye." And with that I hang up I decide to turn off my phone so I can take my walk without any distractions. So I walk around my neighborhood a couple of times to clear my mind I try not to think about Matthew and Max but right now that is all I can think of right now then something hits me so I turn around and head home.

Once I get home I get inside and turn my phone back on once it is finally on I have 5 messages from Max,3 from Emily, and 2 from Matthew. I call Emily first I asked her how fast she can come she said 5 minutes. As soon as she gets here she asks if everything is ok and I said yeah she asked why I called and I told her that I made up my decision. "I chose....Matthew!" And once I said that Emily's face dropped I told her that everyone deserves a second chance and that this is his last chance plus I don't know Max that well. So I am going to call him and tell him. "Are you going to prom with him" "maybe if he asks me we will have to see"

After I call Matthew we decide to meet up at Starbucks. Once we find a table and sit I tell him about what is going on. I have never seen him so happy before. We decide to take a walk. It was quite for the most part until he said" I'm so happy you took me back I promise to me a better bf for now on I don't want to loose you" I giggled in reply but for some odd reason I felt different around him like really happy I wasn't mad at him it's almost like I completely forgot about what happens in the past but I didn't. Matthew realized I was thinking and he asked what I was thinking about I told him nothing, but since he knew me he said no come on tell me so I did I told him the total truth. I said that I felt really bad about our fight and that I was thinking about how it was almost like it didn't even happen.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 07, 2015 ⏰

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