Chapter 2

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It was now the next morning, but school didn't start till Monday so students had a spare few days to explore the town of Lumiose. Ash had already gotten up at 7:00 am which was earlier than his roommates and went downstairs to grab breakfast. He still felt sad that he was here.

"Pikachu sometimes I wonder why I'm so lucky but still have a really rubbish life." Ash said and gazed out the window. He saw three figures suspiciously walk around the campus. One of them was a Pokémon and the other was a man and a women. Ash felt uneasy for some reason. He could sense danger up ahead.

Ash spent a couple of hours training with Pikachu in the open space before students started to come out of their slumbers and spend their day. Ash had managed to train himself as well as Pikachu. But as a result of that he was covered in dirt and bruises which were quite evident on his face.

He did feel quite weak and fell back on to his bum out of exhaustion. "Here" Ash looked up and saw Serena hand over a handkerchief. It had a pokeball on it. It seemed very familiar but Ash couldn't think. He thanked Serena and used it wipe his cuts. Serena was about to say something until she was called back by her friends.

"Sorry gotta go! See you round" she said and ran back while Ash was left with the handkerchief. He stared down at it - almost in a trance. He snapped out of it once he saw the three figures again who had hoods on now. This time he didn't feel good at all and decided to follow them.

They began to walk faster and talk quicker which Ash found hard to translate but he heard something about a collar and Pokémon. Just then the school bell rang and a voice spoke: "please come to the field for evacuation!" Ash now noticed only two figures were in front of him.

Just then a security grabbed Ash taking him away from the hooded duo. He knew they were behind this he could sense it through his aura. He was confused at to what he was seeing but he didn't care. He was carried to the field where him, Serena, Calem and Shauna had most protection. Just then there was an explosion and a Garchomp broke free from the building but it looked in discomfort and was shooting beams everywhere.

Ash then remembered the duo talking about the collar and saw it on the Pokémon's neck and instantly realised whatever it was it was controlling Garchomp. "Well well! This is just a statement from Team Rocket!" One of the figures shouted and disappeared. That name Ash instantly recognised. His dad used to work for them, he remembered the conversation he overhead as a child. It sparked a flare in Ash to prove someone wrong. Anger and hatred. The will to fight.

"No way, am I going to let them take over!" Ash shouted in anger and without realising his eyes had gone blue. He broke past security and sprinted towards the raging Garchomp.

"Ash! What are you doing!" Serena shouted and tried to chase after him but the guards held her back. "Too dangerous for you!" They said but Serena didn't care, "Ash is in danger! Help him someone!" Serena pleaded.

"Our job is to protect you, your highness" the guard said but Serena was angry and scared for Ash. Ash was sprinting full speed towards the building. He looked around trying to find a way to get up then saw a long pole. "Pikachu electro ball on that pole and knock it towards the building" Ash said urgently.

The pole was hit and landed diagonally which gave a ramp for Ash to climb. Once he was at the top he smashed the pole back so no one else would get up. Garchomp saw Ash and sent attack after attack towards him. A couple hit while a couple was defended by Pikachu. Ash grabbed a pokeball from his belt and held it in front of him.

"Greninja, I need you!" He said, his eyes were dark blue and red almost like a flash between the two. There was general silence all around the campus until a huge water tornado formed in front of Ash which later revealed Ash-Greninja. Many people from the floor couldn't see what was going on up there but saw a Greninja but couldn't make its form.

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