Im not your girlfrend

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"Ok what the hell is going on hear....x why is this calling himself your boyfriend and why the hell is he in are truck"z said putting a hand around x waist picking her up to try to stop her from killing the guy in the truck
"Z...put"x said slowly and sturnly
Z of course put her down
"Come on princess come back to Eden with me the king misses you we all you can see I need to take my girlfriend back to her dad because he misses her "the man said
"NO..duke ..I'm never going back there"x said pulling up her shirt to reveal even more scars even more ....memories
"X he did this to you" jazz said moving past the group who where all in shock
"I'm offended princess" the guy said who now has most of the groups guns to his head
"Z is it ,you new she had these scars and you did's your fault ..she hates you"the man called duke said getting out the truck moving closer and closer to z and x
"no not him ....I'll go with you just don't play the same game with him as you did with me"z said to the man holding up her hands
"What ...x no ..what are you talking about"z said with a tear running down his face
"I knew I had to go back one day I just thought I wold be alone and .."x tried saying but her words where choked up by tears
"Come home baby"duck said
X walked up to z kissed him then whispered something in his ear he smiled and backed up
"What what did she say"fill asked
"Z what's going on"jazz asked
"X is going with ...duke and .so am I"z said looking at one person to another
No no no that's not what I said" x argued
"We Allen are going if one of us is going to that hell hole we all are"Ella said from on top of the truck
"Hey I was told to bring back this one at any means nesacery"duke said pointing to x
"Fine but you'll regret it...oh and are home is on the other side of the country"z said with a tone of defeat

3 months latter

The group was now on foot and there was an 'incedent 'jazz boyfriend made a run for is and was bit ,and apparently x was pregnant full on baby in the belly pregnant.....but other then that and a few fights between z and duke nothing happened
"How far duke,z has a broken nose x is pregnant and jazz is so depressed she won't walk"Ella asked fed up
"Maybe a weeks walk until we find a car and it's not my problem z boy over hear can't keep his hands of my girlfriend" duke replied
"She's right hear thank you and your a dick we aren't dating"x yelled walking up to duke where he was sitting on the side of the rode
"All right elxa carm down"duke said sitting down with his water next to him
"My name is x you idiot"x said kicking what was left of duks water on to the ground

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