The early bird catches the......sausege

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"Wake up love birds,or should we give you time to ...."mica said but before she could finish her sentence z sat up ....without a shirt showing of his faint scars
"Omg did you.....did they"kat said looking at z who was now an inbarising Shad of red , and then at Ella
But as the group crowded around the hammock x woke up as her blue hair came in to view but that was it the two survivors wher ass naked in a hammock
"What.."x said before she saw z in the hammock next to her and nothing els
"Oh"she added now as bright red as z
"Ok ok let the two of them get dressed and god dam it if x is pregnant ima kill you z"Ella yelled
As z looked at x and then at the un used condom in his pocket

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