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3 PoV
"We need more food ,and water is low" ella said to the group
"Ok yeah um we can go , there should be some shops and stuff near bye" x replied as she walked over to her tree
"So what we split in to groups and get food water and what ever we need" fill asked
"Yeah and I need more meds"alon said
"And x clearly needs more hair die she's  looking a bit ruff hunny" kat said in a fowl towen
"Oh shut up kat your not looking to good your self with your brown ass lipstick you look like a butt hole" z snapped
"Wow z more then 2 words and they weren't at x" mica giggled
"Ok that's it mica ,kat you take are truck you look for food and luctures, alon fill you look for water and gas" Ella said lafing
"Um what about you x and I" z said rubing the back of his neck
"2 in one day wow" alon said as he picked up his bag
"Where is x any way" fill asked
They all looked around until Ella sees x in her tree
"Hey x you ok" Ella asked
"Yeah I'm just ..... no I'm not ok,it's been 3 years to the day since the world went to crap"x said
"Shit you count the days"Ella asked
"Yeah , any way we need to get supplies"x said rubing her eyes
Zs PoV

What's up with her
"Z it's not good to eas drop"x said Walking past
Z walked away with x just a few steps in font of him ,as they left the base to look for god knows what.
"Hey x"z tried to get her attention
"What z" x replied turning around lifting up her mask for the first proper time sins they met .zds eyes widened as he saw how bad her face was scared
"Grate z you don't only esa drop but you think I'm ugly 2 what a day for you"x said with a tear rolling down her face
"No no x it's just I didn't think you wold care about that kind of stuff and and I wasn't esa dropping I was just confused on why you where upset I didn't hear anything you said"z told x as his mask fell around his neck to show a pure look of fear but also sadness
"Jezz z you just speak more and more it's kinda freaky to be honest"
They both laughed sitting on the dirt on the sid of the rode
"I don't like the rest of the group" z said explaining his self
"I figured as mutch but how can you spend 3 years with them and not like them or even get along with them for so long" x asked
"Well it was my girlfriend who liked them and I liked her but when she got her dumb ass Eat'on it felt wrong to leave them without my experienced dead killing skills" z joked
"Was that a joke mister z"
" my names Zack"
"why are you telling me this...Zack"x said with confirmation
"Well I gota tell someone" Zack said
"Well then Zack my names..ok now don't take the mick but my names elxa spelt with an x"
"HA you the power house crazy good at shooting x has a girly girl name like elxa" Zack said rolling on the floor
"Oh Shut up Zack"
"No elxa"
They both sat on the side of the road giggling and talking
"Oh shoot ,Zack we need to get going" elxa said
"Ok and no telling the teletubes my name" Zack said picking up his rifel
"Yeah same hear" they started walking back with the few things they did fined

"Where are z and x"Ella asked
"Look there over there"kat said pointing to x and z who where giggling like little kids as z cared x on his back and she was covering his eyes
"Well it looks like they got along better then we thought"mica joked
"Oy twedal de and twedul dumb ....x get of of him"Ella said pulling x of of z
"Aww Dont rouin the fun" z said frowning
Ella just looked at x then at z then back at x "you heard him talk to me to right I'm not going crazy right"
"Oh don't worry tinky winky your fine" z said patting Ella on the shoulder and walked away
"I'm not even gunner ask"Ella said picking up a bag from the floor and walking away

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