Chapter 10

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(Helooooooooooooooo my dear readers welcome to another part of my rwby fanfiction i hope you enjoy this chappy and if you did please leave a vote or a follow and thans again to my friend trinikirito for getting me into writing and i want to thank every one of my readers you are the best thank you for sticking around and reading my story even tho its my first and i made a shit ton of mistakes so thank you guys okay its gotten emotional but i know for what you came here   so LETS START WITH THIS SHIT )

2 weeks have passed since Y/n was brought to hospital .Our main hero stayed in there for the entire time of course he  had to contact one of his neighbours to take care of Rex . For all this time Blake visited Y/n everyday and they talked and laughed for hours but now its finally the day that y/n is released from hospital

Our protagonist after whole this battle  he's left with a  scar on his  stomach. Y/n is now taking last of his clothes and prepares to leave the hospital but after 5 minutes of packing doctor walks into his room

Doctor: Oh mister Black so you are leaving us

Y/n: Yes doctor you are correct .Y/n Said chuckeling a little Ive stayed for to long

Doctor: Okay i understand but please  take better care of yourself we don't want to stich you up the next time

Y/n: Of course doctor and thank you again

Doctor: No problem this is my job oh and when you finish please sign this papers ....oh and your friend waits for you in reception

Y/n: Thank you doctor i will sign this right away

Y/n Packed the rest of his clothes and left his room when he went into reception he walked to Blake she was siting in a chair reading her book

Y/n: Ninjas of love wow Kitty ive never though you read stuff like this

Blake quickly closed a book blushing

Blake: Its not that i like it its for a research

Y/n: Of course but if you like this types of stuff i have 3 books like this in my apartment

Blake only looked in your eyes with a confused look but you obviously could tell that she was interested in this offer but you decided to not continue the topic . Blake quickly changed the subject

Blake: Soo you said yesterday that you want to get some stuff from your apartment ?

Y/n: Oh right yes i completely  forgot about this

Both of our heroes left the hospital and started walking through town after 20 minutes of walking they arrived at their destination y/n opened door to his apartment and was greeted with Rex jumping at him

Y/n: Hey there little guy you missed me Im so sorry for leaving for so long Y/n said scratching Rex's tummy

When Y/n turned his head to Blake's direction he saw his faunus friend hissing and trying to keep distance from your puppy

Y/n: Blake come on its just a small puppy

Blake: Exactly ITS A PUPPY and I'm a cat

Then Rex got closer to Blake with a sad look

Blake: Please don't ,go away

Rex gotten closer and closer looking at Blake beggingly

Blake: Fine Blake knelt and pat Rex's head Rex immediately became happier So what did you want from here ?

Y/n: Oh right  Y/n stepped into his room blake started to look around y/n's apartment and noticed his guitar after a 3 minutes y/n stepped out from his room with sword the same sword Ozpin noticed the day they reunited after all this years

Blake: Is that your grandfather's sword ??

Y/n: Yes if i wanna join beacon i need a weapon grandfather said that i will be able to use it when ill be ready so i think now after all this i'm ready

Y/n then grabbed handle of his sword the chain suddenly started to loose up and Y/n managed to pull the sword out of his sheath  but when he pulled it he noticed that the blade of sword is destroyed y/n looked at the handle and noticed a note hidden in it .Our Min hero pulled his note and started to read it

My Grandson if you read this it means that finally you managed to open my sword i have bad news for you the sword is broken . I had to destroy it because i didn't wan you to use something in our brutal and bloody  legacy you had to take a new path better path maybe now you don't understand it but when you will be older you understand my motives please rebuild it and walk the path that you choose this is the last test and last knowledge that you will get from me

Your Master and Granfather

Y/n couldn't believe this what does this letter mean what does grandfather mean y/n lowered his head and lost itself in his thoughts bu suddenly Blake took him from his thoughts

Blake: Y/n are you okay what are you going to do ?

Y/n: I..i don't know Y/n then looked at the sword and started to remind all of Grandfather's lesson's when he finally squeezed handle and said

Y/n: I don't know what the hell is going o i don't know what grandfather meant by all of this but i know what i have to do i will rebuild it better sharper and stronger grandfather wrote that i supposed to walk my own path i will do it I will honor every lesson and training that he left me with if this is his last test then i will finish it  but until then...

He walked to a giant bookshelf and behind it there was a safe y/n opened it and took 2 pistols one painted in white and the other in black

Y/n: This was the last thing left from my whole vigilante life if i wanna finish what i started i have to use them once again

Y/n then reloaded both of his guns and took his bag filled with clothes  and looked at Blake

Y/n: I know its a lot to ask but will yo help me with this??

Blake: Of course i will we are friends you protected me all this years ago why shouldn't i help you now

Y/n: Thanks so if we finished can we go now i will take rest of my thing's later

Blake: And what about your dog ?

Y/n: My neighbour still thinks that I'm in hospital for at least a week so i have some time to prepare a place for him to stay

As both of our heroes head towards the door rex quickly followed his master but y/n stopped and knelt

Y/n: Hey little guy don't worry I won't be gone for long so please wait for me And he patted is dog

Rex only barked happily as y/n left his apartment with 2 bags and weapons both of our heroes then started travel to the beacon academy the place where y/n hopes to become stronger in

(A/n And a little music for expanding emotions and stuff :P )


(A/n Thank you guys for reading another chapter of  my fanfic and thanks again for 1k reads and sorry for my lazinnes in uploads i will try to update more but i don't promise mutch but i have some amazing news ive started working at a 2 fanfic so i hope you will like it to so thanks again my dearest readers and ill se you in the next chappy seeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee yaaaaaaaaaa)

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