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jungkook tapped his foot as he squirmed in his seat in the middle of the courtroom, his parents seated in the audience section as the judge spoke.

"jury?" the gray haired man spoke, asking the jury if jungkook was guilty or not guilty, even though it was clearly obvious he was.

each and every jury member spoke, the word "guilty" leaving all of their mouths and jungkook sighed.

that was until jungkook's lawyer spoke. "objection! he's too young to be sent to prison, and it's very obvious that jungkook's crime was committed because of some type of mental issue!" the man in the clean grey suit said and the judge had a face of thought.

"i suppose you are correct, therefore. jeon jungkook, i sentence you to 3 years in Seoul's Private School for the Mentally Impaired, afterwards, you will be taken to a mental institution." the judge spoke, hitting his hammer afterwards.

jungkook whispered a 'fuck' under his breath as everyone stood up to leave since the session was over. he could hear his mother crying loudly and his father trying to calm her down.

"wait!" jungkook said as he tugged on his lawyers arm before he could get up and leave. "there has to be something you can do, i don't wanna go there!" jungkook pleaded and his lawyer rolled his eyes.

"you should've thought of that before you shot up your school, jungkook."


"this is bullshit." jungkook said as he stood outside his new school/home for the next 3 years, the 2 guards behind him scoffing.

"whatever kid, keep walking." one of them said and jungkook smirked.

"i can have you and your whole family 6 feet underground in minutes, don't try me." he spat and the guards eyes grew wide as he looked at the other guard, who just shrugged in response.

jungkook then walked inside, the 2 guards following him. there he was met with a rude looking woman. although you shouldn't judge a book by its cover, she just looked as if she wasn't the nicest person ever.

which was correct.

"another one? you children just can't get enough can you?" she scoffed as he chewed on her gum loudly. jungkook scowled at her.

"fix your face, child. take him to his room boys." she told the guards and they nodded at her, jungkook took his luggage then followed the guards upstairs to were the rooms were.

they opened the door and jungkook saw two boys. there was a bunk bed on the left side of the room and a regular twin sized bed on the right side. he saw one of the boys sitting on the bottom bunk of the bunk bed and the other one sitting on the twin bed. one looked taller than the other, slightly taller than jungkook.

"enjoy your stay, kid." one of the guards mocked as they pushed him inside the room. jungkook scowled but put his stuff down, the boys looking at him.

"hi!" they both chirped at the same time and jungkook's face showed confusion. he thought the kids in here would be mean and/or psychotic, not all nice and bubbly like they seemed to be.

"hey.." jungkook waved nonchalantly.

"i'm jimin and thats taehyung, what's your name?" the shorter boy said happily, he seemed very welcoming.

"jungkook." He said, still a little freaked out at the fact that they were so nice.

"nice to meet you, jungkook!" they said in unison and jungkook chuckled, an 'i'm lowkey scared shitless of you guys' type of chuckle.

"that's your bed." taehyung said as he pointed to the top bunk of the bunk bed. jungkook nodded as he put his luggage on the top bunk of the bed.

"i'd suggest you don't unpack yet, group therapy starts soon." taehyung told him and jungkook nodded once again. although he still didn't understand what this "group therapy" was.

jungkook saw that there was a desk with a swivel chair and decided to sit in it for now. he was still confused as to why taehyung and jimin were so happy, even though they were put in a school for mental issues, there had to be something wrong with them.

"can i ask a question?" jungkook suddenly spoke and they both hummed in response.

"why were you guys put in here?"

taehyung and jimin's faces dropped as they looked at each other and gulped. it was probably a sensitive topic for them.

"we um..we killed our social worker." jimin said quietly as he played with his finger tips. jungkook's eyes widened.

it wasn't the fact that they killed someone, because then he would be considered a hypocrite due to the fact that he tried to mass murder his school, but ended failing and killing only one person. it was the fact that if you looked at them, they looked like they wouldn't even hurt a fly.

"oh..can i ask why..?" jungkook said.


"tae, jimin, it's time for therapy-" someone suddenly opened the door. the boy was tall and his dimples showed when he spoke, he suddenly stopped talking when he saw jungkook. "oh i see the new kid's here." he said and jungkook waved shyly.

"we better get going, c'mon jungkook." jimin said and everyone stood up. jungkook following them to wherever the group therapy classroom was.

this is going to be a long 3 years.

a/n: are you hype? cuz i'm hype 💀. ik i said i wasn't gonna update this right away but i just started writing and got carried away, my fault. once again sorry if you're waiting on me to update my other books, i'm workin on it. admin bo <3

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