The Second Day

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Today was going to be the start of a new me. After all the help I've been through, it's a shock that I'm still alive. I wanted to show those jerks just how mean and cruel Jacob English could be,no matter what the risk. I was fed up of people taking away all my happiness. I wasn't going to mourn on this trip over anyone,especially myself. No one has ever seen me boiling mad before. Only a few have even heard me tell and curse so fluently as if I was possessed by a demon. And this weekend was my perfect chance to show the real side of me and maybe I'll finally get some respect. The main thing on my mind was Martina. She was. beautiful,sassy,and independent. All great qualities I love in a girl. We could be alone all weekend and do whatever we wanted. Anything! It has almost been 3 years since I've missed anyone, and that was my second kiss from the same girl who have me my first. It meant nothing to me. Thing is,it backfired on me big time because a year later I found out she lost her virginity, and she gave several other guys head. That was before I kissed her, who knows what she does now. For all I know she could be a teenage prostitute. So Martina was the right way to go. No way could this turn back on me. She is a strong,loyal Christian just like me. So I wouldn't have to worry about me getting anything from her. for the first time in forever, I woke up with a smile on my face. Thinking nothing bad could happen. It would be the perfect fun filled weekend of my life.

I get out of bed and continue packing. I pack an extra set of shorts just in case something tragic happens. I get ready for school and look outside to see water falling rapidly fast against the hard pavement of our driveway. It was storming. " what?" I murmur to myself. I knew this would only mean that I would more than likely be late for school because my the slowest driver since cars were even invented . I knew that it only takes ten minutes to get to school. But I also knew that it takes my mom twenty five. And in the rain...who knew what time I would get to school. I finished getting ready and rushed my mom and little sister out the door for me to get to school in just enough time. Before I run out the door I see my dad asleep on the couch. "He is supposed to be at work. Why is he here? Oh well, maybe he will go later," I thought and nothing more. And run to the car in the still pouring rain.

"Mrs. Nicholson I'm so sorry I'm late! You see my mom-" I began.

"Say no more. I'll let you go this time. I know you all have that band trip, and you had to put away all that luggage,plus the rain. I'm surprised you even made it here five minutes after the bell! Just go take your seat," Mrs. Nicholson said sympathetically.

"Thank you, thank you!"

This day has already began on a good note! This weekend could only get better!


"DING DING DING DING!" The last bell of school had rang and I flew out of Mrs. Tucker's classroom without even thinking twice about what I left behind and surely not about what I made on that unit test. I had forgotten to study, but I always seemed to manage at least a C+ in that class. My mind was only on this weekend. Nothing more.

I run to my locker in the annex and put away the books I don't need. Which would be all except for Mrs. Tucker's. We had to create a power point and show her Monday. Which would be hard for me because I would be gone all weekend. But that was the least of my worries.

I get to the band room and everyone (that is going on the trip) was soliciting on the outside. I wasn't about to. The people that I was sort of ok with were gone home to go get something to eat. The only people here were those same group of jerks. And right now I was not in the mood to be ridiculed. So I got inside Ms. Kings office and just sit on her couch. Then my phone began to ring. It was my mom.

"Hello?" I say in complete confusion.

"Hey, are you staying until you all leave?" she says.

" Yes, it's only an hour. I'll be fine."

"Did you eat?"

"Lunch? No, I was doing errands, I had to return books and take a test early."

" Jacob! You can't do that! I don't want you passing out doing all that stuff! I'm going to order you a pizza and get it delivered."

" Mom please, I'm fine. I don't want people to beg for my food. Then they really won't like me."

"No Jacob! I'm ordering it and it's getting delivered. Bottom line!"

The phone call ended and I sat on the couch in complete confusion of what just happened. I knew that if everyone saw me get it I would probably only get one slice. I had to think of something.

It was to late. I go outside fifteen minutes later and see the Dominoes pizza man sitting outside waiting on me. I pay him and see that whole group of guys stare me down as I quickly go inside the band room to one of the small practice rooms.

So here I was. Alone in a dark,small practice room eating a pizza by myself. It sorta bummed me out because I knew if I had good friends they would be here with me. And not gone.

I save one slice of pizza. Only one and I walk out the practice room. "Nobody noticed me in there. Well that's bitter sweet." I say to.myself. I see Martina. I quickly go to her and say ,"Hey Martina! I saved you a slice of pizza."

"Really? Thank you so much Jacob!" She says as if I just have her a million dollars.

She then embraced me. It was not just a normal huh it was different. A good different. I was holding the girl I liked. And I felt like she appreciated me. Me! It was amazingly scary.

I let go. And looked at her in the eyes. She looked. back. Now, let's not get crazy. She wasn't about to kiss me over a slice of pizza. That would be silly. But I know I definitely felt something between us. Something I haven't felt in a long time. Maybe never even in my life. But I was determined to find out more about it and her for that matter.

"Alright gang, let's head out!" Ms. King said with the same ironic booming voice. I knew what that meant. It was time. Time to get on the bus and for me to have a new start.

I grab both of my backpacks and my suitcase and load them onto the trailer. I do the same for Martina. And follow her onto the bus.

The bus ride was long and boring. Martina had her headphones in and I saw was sort of nodding off. So was I. I tried to fall asleep and almost fell in the aisle. It was really embarrassing. So I just sat back. I saw Martina shoulder out and suddenly she nodded of and fell on my shoulder. "Could this get any better?" I thought. I then put my head on here and slept that way until we got off.

I step off the bus. And suddenly I feel different. And a bad feeling that something terrible was about to happen. I knew it. There was a lake. And I saw a man standing in the center of the lake. I blinked and he was gone.

"Martina! Did you see that?" I say.

"See what?"

"The man on the lake! He was just standing there-"

" There is nothing there Jacob. Now let's go with the group so we can eat."

I follow and keep my eyes in the lake. Nothing there. Just like she said. I knew there was something different about this place. And I knew something bad was going to happen. I just couldn't figure out what it was. Not yet at least.

Caring Too Much: The Jacob EngIish StoryWhere stories live. Discover now