Why did you lie to me?

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*Damon's point of view*

After that kiss I couldn't think about anything else... Katherine is so amazing. She then leaves with a smile and enters her house. I leave as well. As I'm walking home, I see Alex. She smiles at me. She's had a crush on me since forever. She keeps hitting on me and it's annoying. "Hey Damon!" She says. "Um hi Alex." Where are you headed?" She asks. "I'm walking home." "Oh, I guess I should just join."
Oh god, not again... "So why were you at Katherine's house?" "She's such a brat." "You don't even know her" I said. "I may not know her, but I know she gets everything she wants. She thinks she's so cool." "Why are you acting so rude about her? You act like you never do anything wrong." "Hah! Wow, you actually like her? Ew." "You know what Alex, just leave her alone, highschool started yesterday and your already picking on the new kids." "I'm not picking on her, she said sarcastically, I just don't like her." "Why, because she's smart, pretty, funny and sweet?! Or because your jelous of her. "Hah! Jealous? Really, Of her? Who would be jelous of her?
I start to get angry at how rude she's being about Katherine. I clench my fists and say, "Just stop!" "She stares at me and says "Stop what, I'm just saying the truth." "You can walk by yourself. Goodbye Alex." I'm so angry right now. I decide to call Katherine when I get home. *hey! It's Katherine, sorry I couldnt come to the phone right now. Try calling later. Bye!* I laugh at how cute her voice sounds through the phone...

*Katherine's point of view*

When I get inside the door I can see Damon walking home. I then notice a girl walking up to him, smiling and flirting with him. I feel a little hurt. I really thought he liked me.. I guess not... I go upstairs to do my homework. I hear my phone buzzing, It's Damon. What do I do! I don't feel like talking to him right now! Ughh whatever I'm gonna see him in school tomorrow anyways, probably with that girl....

Hey guys! I hope you enjoyed part 4 of "Him". I really love writing stories like these. I hope it inspires you as the other stories do. If you guys have any questions or thoughts, comment down below!

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