Chapter 2

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Ok. Ok. As long as I stay calm I might actually survive this.

I don't know anything about him. Height, weight, age, rank. Nothing.

He was careless enough to lose some hair while in here so I'm guessing he wasn't meaning to be caught in the car. He probably just planned to put something in it, such as a bomb, and get out.

That would also explain the sharp, gasp-like sound of shock from my patio.

Ok. Nana, just calm down. I'm going to be fine.

Oh god this guy is probably going to be huge. I don't know how we'll compare with hand to hand but I'd prefer not to use a contact weapon if he's a lot bigger than me.

A hand clamped around my neck and I lost my sh*t.

I jerked the wheel to the side, taking us off of the road and towards the forest. Sadly, in my struggle with the man, the car rolled.

He tried to maintain his grip on my throat, but my thrashing and fighting back kept him away long enough for me to breathe.

The car rolled five times, each time tossing the man and I around like rag dolls. The windows all shattered after the second roll, but the windshield didn't break until the fourth roll with the fifth showering us in glass.

I slammed my head on the roof of the car on its final roll, knocking me unconscious.

Just great.

Unkown's POV

Her car ended upside down at the bottom on a small hill. I had glass shards sticking out of my left thigh and my side. A few small scratches littered my face and hands but nothing too major.

Kang NaNa was laying on the roof of the car in a distorted position, completely unconscious.

She should've buckled, like I did.

I unbuckled myself and lowered myself down to her with my arms. I didn't realized how small she was until now. She looks barely 5'2" (157 cm).

I crawled out of the car and fished around for my phone to call the guys.

There was a huge crack across my screen from the accident, but it still worked.

"Jungkook, I got her." I whispered into the phone, not wanting to wake the woman who took down the most wanted person in the world.

"Great hyung! Where are you now?" he asked me.

"I don't know actually. We made a sharp turn and rolled so I have no idea. Just have Yoo-" he cut me off swiftly.

"Yoongi found your location. We'll be there in five. Keep her dormant, she won't be containable once she wakes up." He ended the call before I could tell him the details of her state.

She won't be going anywhere.

Wow. So this is the infamous Kang Nana. I thought she'd be taller and look more muscular. No wonder she's so good.

Kang Nana looked very basic: slim form, no obvious muscle mass, straight dark hair. No one would ever guess that the government had her shipped in from Russia to have her hunt down an assassin, let alone the fact that she is an assassin.

She looks so basic, that she looks like everyone. Finding her in a group of more than five is near impossible. She has no real defining features or anything about her that makes her stand out.

The sound of a car snapped me out of my staring state. I turned to see the guys and their cars. Jimin stopped his black truck as Jungkook threw open the door and vaulted out of the passenger side.

Everyone turned off their cars and got out before rushing over to where we were.

Jungkook gave me a pat on the back as he passed me to get to Nana, not even looking at me once.

Everyone else wanted to know what'd happened and if I was ok.

Jungkook was inspecting Nana when it happened. A girlish whimper came from the car. Everyone froze as she began to wake up.

"Oh sh*t..." Yoongi muttered as everyone backed away except for Jungkook.

We all rushed to get our masks back on before she could see our faces. Jungkook stayed kneeled down next the the car, peering in at her face.

Nana didn't scream, nor did she panic, not even the cliche girly gasp.

She looked at all of us before her eyes landed on me and she croaked out a "you son of a b*tch" before she winced and looked at her leg.

It was bent in a very awkward angle, either dislocated or broken.

"Morning beautiful. Good to see you again Miss Kang," Jungkook said with a tilt of his head.

"You're a creepy son of a b*tch, aren't you?" Nana said with zero emotion.

"Can I knock her out again?" Namjoon asked.

Jungkook immediately responded with a deep and sinister "no".

Nana exhaled very very subtly, but since I was staring at her, I noticed it.

Jungkook turned back to look at her before a dark chuckle emitted from his chest, "I want to see her struggle."

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