Chapter 8

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Yoongi's POV

"I've missed you babe," she said in a breathy voice with her eyelids still deliciously heavy.

"Bullsh*t," I hissed as I shot away from our burning contact.

I was revolted by the idea that she would ever use her against me.

"Babe, it really is me," that witch said.

"I call crap. Prove it to me," I stopped pacing and turned to face her, arms folded protectively across my chest once I sat down in the chair across from her.

"How am I supposed to prove it?"

"Where were we supposed to go for that last date?" I demanded her.

"We were supposed to go to the gas station and get junk food before we ate our weight in candy and chips while watching movies," she stated without letting her voice falter.

"Ok that's too easy. What was my nickname for you whenever it was just the two of us around the house?" I asked, a slight begging sensation filled me as I pleaded with whatever god there might be for this to actually be my Lee YuNa.


Holy sh*t it's her.

My YuNa.

My shorty.

My everything.

"You b*tch," I fumed, throwing the chair I sat in to the ground with my harsh standing motion.

She seemed taken aback at my remark.

"What-what are you talking about babe? It's me." she stammered.

"Why did you do it?" I screamed, "Why did you leave me?!"

"I had to!" she screeched back at me.

"Oh bullsh*t!" I hollered as I darted back to the genius lab.

As soon as I shut the door, her sweet voice, which I didn't recognize as YuNa's until a few seconds ago, screamed with such pain I wanted to cry, "I was pregnant!!!"

With those three words, my entire world changed. I was a father. I have a child.

Pride swelled in my chest as I realized, despite how many lives I had ended or helped to end, I had made one. I helped to make a person.

Before I realized it, I was sitting in front of YuNa or Nana or whoever the f*ck she really is. I didn't say anything, just sat there and looked at her.

She seemed to not know what to do, so she began talking, "I was two months pregnant by the time of that date. I didn't know how you were going to react, but I was going to tell you that night. I had ordered the piano about a week ahead so then even if you rejected the baby and I, you'd be reminded of us.

"It was a girl. A beautiful baby girl with ten fingers and ten toes. I had the picture in my purse and I was ready, no matter what your response. Anyway, you rain checked and I had another appointment about a week after. Just a routine check that turned vital. I lost the baby while three months pregnant."

Her voice shook with emotions I had never seen from the cold hearted Kang Nana, so this really had to be my YuNa

"The South Korean government had reached out to me about a month prior to that appointment, so I got in touch with them and told them about my situation. They staged everything to make it look like I'd committed suicide. No one knew the truth; my parents still think I'm dead, actually.  They did a C-section and took the baby out so I wouldn't have any of the long term affects. Ever since I recovered I've been working full time for the South Korean Government."

Her voice cracked whenever she talked about the baby and tears streamed aggressively down her face to form pathetic little pools and streaks across her and the ground. I leaned forwards and put my torso in her lap.

My beautiful YuNa had to suffer alone all because I wanted some extra cash.

"I'm sorry, I should've realized," I muttered into her thigh as I pulled myself closer to her stomach; closer to the child I could've had.

I had no idea. How did I not notice such a thing was happening to my beautiful girlfriend? I had noticed she looked a little bigger but that was not my place to question, so I never did. I didn't care what she looked like. I just cared that she loved me back.

What do I do now? Now that I have her back, what's next?

Rising from my position with one final squeeze to YuNa's smaller form, I cleared my throat before calling out to my boss.

"Jungkook,"- I yelled before waiting for him to come out of his private room -"This is YuNa! This is my Lee YuNa! How did you not know this?"

Jungkook vacated the doorway of his private room while tapping away on his phone. He spoke without looking up at me, "I knew. I'd always known it was her. You never told me where you disappeared to all the time, so I tailed you and found YuNa."

"You did what?" My voice grew hoarse as I listened to betrayal leak from his mouth.

Jimin and Taehyung emerged from Tae's private room to see what was happening.

"Tell him the rest Jungkook," YuNa accused closely afterwards.

Silence was all that could be heard other than my ragged breathing and Jungkook's activating tapping.

"Go on," YuNa pushed him on.

Jungkook looked up from his phone to share a look with YuNa. She raised her eyebrows accusingly at his indifference.

"Wait, wait. Something's missing here; boys get out here!" YuNa screeched at the closed doors surrounding the edges of the large main room.

Namjoon evacuated his private room and leaned against the wall beside the doorway. Seokjin emerged seconds later pulling on a pair of loose sweatpants and avoided eye contact with Namjoon as he moved to stand beside him.

"Ok, continue Jungkook," she said with a casual bat of her eyelashes.

Jungkook locked his phone and casually slid it, along with his hands, into his pant pockets.

He exhaled with reluctancy, tilting his head back to reenforce his disapproval.

"I'm the reason she lost your baby."

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