Teardrop AKA: Depression

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Teardrop AKA: Depression

I stood atop the Yoyle Needy, waiting for this year's winner to make it

This years winner was Teardrop, A woman who was rendered unable to speak as the sole survivor of a car crash. As I pondered how they won they quickly sped up to the Yoyle Needy, and started walking up the stairs

As they walked up I greeted them how I normally do

"Greetings teardrop! As this year's winner of twisted Island Have proven yourself worthy of one wish for anything you like! Nevermind cost, size, or reality!"

When she got to the top, Teardrop quickly got to scribbling in her notepad

She wrote the following

"Announcer, for too long have I not been able to speak, This condition has reduced me to a shell of my former self. But unfortunately, even being able to speak again will not restore who I lost in that crash so many years ago. Announcer, I wish that everything would go back to the way it was before the crash."

"Your wish is granted!" I said gleefully as I rose up into the air, lightning crackling all around me.

Teardrop woke up, she was driving down the road, She could speak! She was in the car with her friends, Just like before the crash!


Just. like. before. the. Crash.

I am the announcer, and I thank you for playing twisted island.

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