Flower AKA: queen

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Just quickly jumping in to say that I'm doing a poll to see who I do next

So If you like this series and would like to see where it's going to go, vote!


Flower, how could I forget the year she won? Her strategy was out of the ordinary at best and abusive at worst. I'm not even sure she was driving the car half the time, she just sat in there yelling orders to a team of lackeys. I'm not even sure what the rule is on that and I made the competition!

Anyway, no one can say her strategy was not effective. Any damage her car took was quickly repaired and if a rival contestant got too close the lackeys could simply jump off and attack them. Flower crushed that years Twisted Island, winning in such a landslide that I pondered canceling the contest outright. However, as I am a generous host I decided to go through with her prize.

For that particular reward I decided to meet her on one of the few remaining rooftops around the contest area. I felt the fresh smoke and ruined cars would remind flower and her lackeys just what brought them there.

As I touched down onto the rooftop I poured a glass of wine and raised it to the sky. "Congratulations flower, I raise a toast to the winner of this years twisted island. In a mixture of innovative strategies, teamwork, and good old-fashioned elbow grease you have proven yourself worthy of a prize."

Flower emerged from the small horde of minions and began to talk. "Announcer, for too long have I lived in the shadow of everyone else. I'm the greatest of all but some people have the audacity to say their better! I wish that-" but before she could a finish one of her minions piped up with a valid remark.

"Wait a minute! Shouldn't we have some say in this?"

Flowers horde, silent up to this point, erupted in agreement. Flower pathetically tried to retort. "Wait! You were only working for me. You have no say in this!" I simply responded "sorry flower, while you may have read my rules enough to know that there is no limit on people. You did not notice that everyone in a group has to agree on a wish"

The rooftop exploded in debate, everyone agreeing and disagreeing on what wish they would have, it was delightful.

Then someone spoke ill of another, tensions rose, and soon the first punch was thrown.

The brawl lasted over an hour, the vibrations rocking the very unstable building to its core. And soon, well let's just say it took rescue workers weeks to pull all the bodies out of the rubble.

I am the announcer, and I thank you for playing twisted Island

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 16, 2018 ⏰

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