Pencil and Match AKA: Firestarters

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I sat on my throne, pondering events as of late

This definitely was new, a duo winning twisted Island, now that was a reason for celebration.

The duo in question joined the twisted Island competition seemingly out of spite for the other contestants. Nothing that out of the ordinary, tons of people want their lives to be perfect. dying for that cause seems only like the natural order to some.

I was deep in thought when I heard tires screech, seems they are here already.

My suspicions were confirmed when they rammed the gates to my throne room open at maximum speed.

"Announcer! We're here for our wish!" yelled Pencil, she was leaning out the window of the scorched community fire brigade van she had used with Match to win the contest.

"Welcome winners!" I practically screamed, doing my normal greeting. "You, with your pure talent, skill, and determination have won Twisted island. I would normally tell you your prize but, well let's get right to it then."

They both got out of the car, unsurprisingly the thing was falling apart. It was surprising that the thing even ran anymore, as they approached me Match began to speak

"We joined this contest for one simple reason, we have gone through our lives striving for popularity, working day in and day out to be the best people we possibly can, but for all our efforts, no one cared. No one likes us, we were not popular, the only other person that even thought of us was Bubble, And you saw how well that turned out."

"So, like, we wish to be the most popular, most wanted, and most desired people in the world"

"Your wish is granted!" I said, walls blowing out to reveal a terrifying electrical storm, the room filling with crackling electric discharge.

They stood on the streets of a huge metropolis, Had I lied to them? No, everyone was staring at them, the wish worked. It was at that moment that their faces showed up on a huge screen overlooking the square.


I am the announcer, and I thank you for playing twisted island

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