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1st POV

Family and Friends don't exist in such a world like this.  The only thing that exists in this world is wretched vampires.  About eight years, our world was peaceful until the incident.  Many people died because a infectious virus that entered into their systems.  Vampires saw this as an opportunity to strike; Found any lingering humans and killed them by sucking all their blood.

I can't seem to remember what happened. When I try to remember my minds is instantly in excruciating agony. My brain feels like it's on fire. The only thing I seem to remember what was the world was like eight years ago, but that was a week before the incident. I have no memory of what my life was like before. I have no memory of friends, family, or anyone. It seems that all my memories have been wiped away.  No matter how many times I try and remember nothing comes to mind.

It's alright.  I was told by Lieutenant General Diane Alvar that it's best if I don't remember.  She said it was," Too much for me to comprehend" at an early age.  I was told by many older people that the world was," Better off without vampires and how they ruined our way of life" which only made things worst.

Over the past couple of years, I've been training to become stronger.  Everyday for about two to four hours; I practice sword fighting, and using my bow-n-arrow.  My only purpose in life is to kill every single vampire in my country.  Lately, the vampires have been more and more active as of late.  I've been attacked lately; Vampires have been trying to kill me more vigorous with-in the last two years. Ever since I took control of America the vampire population has decreased drastically. Noble vampires have broken past some of barriers created to separate humans and vampires.  These barriers are guarded by the elite soldiers twenty-four hours a day.  Unfortunately, since vampires have broken through our barrier some life's have been lost.

It's been tough trying to maintain our soldiers, and supply many of my people through out the entire state.  I've received hundreds of reports that vampires had stolen our food, medical supplies, clothes, and even some of soldiers to use them as livestock. Some people hate me because I decided to do nothing for the time being; Others say that I made a right call. I don't know what to do. If I put more soldiers out on the line, they could be attacked on the spot and that's to risky; Any less soldiers soldiers and our defense system could dwindle.

Pressure has consume me lately. Wondering if I made the right choice. Normally, I debate against my-self knowing if my decision can affect the whole army.

As I walk towards the United States Government Base, I opened the door.  As I entered, the room filled with dead silence.  Every eye turned on me awaiting a command; instead, all you hear is my foot steps one-by-one as I dissented the staircase.  At times, giving a command can be exhausting because you have to plan it out ahead of time, or in a instance.  Sometimes all I want is a break and to put someone else in charge for a single day, but I couldn't place a enormous burden on someone with no experience given the fact that no-one else knows how to run this country.

As I was lost in thought;  I arrived in the front the commanders seat, which oddly enough was my seat.  Once I sat down, the silence broken lose and everyone broke into conservation. What I'am going to do now? What's gonna be the next step I take to ensure the survival of the human race?

For about five minutes everyone was enjoying each other's company until an distress single. Hundreds of people kept calling from others nation. We only had twenty receptionists' who have to answer more than ten phones at once.

Diane Alvar's P.O.V
For about five minutes, everyone was enjoying their company with they friends, but they a distress single was reached. We received more than a hundred distress singles coming from about four different countries such as Japan, France, Canada, and England. It was surprising to even receive singles because when the vampires took over , they tried to destroy every single communication device that was available; however, not all of the communication devices weren't destroy and they were hidden instead. I have to tell our leader about this; They're sitting in the middle of the Government Base after all. Without hesitation, I quickly made my way towards our Major General and told them what was going on.

Then before I could say anything else, a young man gave me a written report of what the citizens were saying, and why they sent us distress signals in the first place.  I decided to hand it over to Major General Konrad.

Diane: " Major General Konrad!  What are we going to do?  We have already received hundred of distress signals with-in the past ten minutes. "

After I spoke, there was no answer.  Normally, Major General Konrad never speaks directly to someone; instead, there is always an interpreter standing by their side.  Slowly, Major General Konrad whispered something in the interpreter's ear.  The interpreter was Supervisor Kelly Mansion.

Kelly:" Major General Konrad asks, ' Why should we interfere, or even bother answering the distress signals?' Diane."

Diane:" There are people in danger.  We need to help them.  We're the United States of America.  We managed to decease the vampire population here, since you came to power.  Now you're just gonna sit on but all day, and let hundreds of people live as livestock!"

Again I caught the Major General whisper into Kelly's ear once again.

Kelly:" Listen Lieutenant General Diane. Major General Konrad says, ' This is important,and I understand the feeling to rescue them too. We could save so many lives, but you need to think about this carefully. Around the world, there are vampires who took control of every country. Since, every country was taken over; Every country has worried about their own problems, and even if we did manage to save people's lives in another country what are the chances of us getting attacked by vampires, or going to war against that country all because we decided to rescue people? Vampires despise humans. We could end up heading to war just because a vampire didn't want us to interfere with their country, or livestock in this case.

Diane:" I understand what you're saying, but still. There are also human leaders in every country too!  Just like the vampires, humans are in charge of fighting against them to reclaim what's rightfully our's.  Even if vampires attack us; The United States of America is a global superpower country.  We stand a chance against them!  With your leadership we stand a chance Konrad!"

Kelly:" Diane!  Clearly you fail to understand the true meaning that lies ahead of us if we decided to help them.  Vampires might not be interested in humans; however, by rescuing  people from their country; We're taking away their livestock and they would do anything to protect their property!  Even if, that means killing the ones who try to help."

Diane:" How do we know if we don't try!"

Kelly:"Shut up!  You're stupid and can't seem to listen!"

Diane:" No, you shut up!"

Just than, someone kicked Kelly and me using their leg.  We flew through the air and broke the door as we made contact with it.  That freaking hurt!  Who kicked us?  We both tried to get up, but couldn't.  That kick....wreaked both of us. I managed to barely get up and saw that Major General Konrad standing behind the broken door. Oh, no!
Major General Konrad kicked us! We're both screwed!

Seraph of the end: To AmericaWhere stories live. Discover now