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1st POV

A week later

It's been about a weeks time.  I've prepared my top elite vampire extermination units along with the top squad leaders in the entire United States.  So far, fifth-teen vampire extermination units will being heading towards each country. 

This is indeed risky, but hopefully we'll pull it off in the end.

I gave direct orders to the squad leaders telling them once they reach the shores of Japan, France, England, and Canada to rescue as many of the hostages as possible.  Oh, and if they get attacked by vampires; I ordered them to killed them right on the spot.

I refuse the idea of losing my soldiers and  having them killed by the soiled hands of those wretched vampires. 

The vampires caused this!  They created a world of fear.  No-one is safe.  No-one has a clear conscience.  No-one has their own choice in the matter anymore.

I must say, I'm quite surprised that America was able to stand on it's own two feet after the world went to a dump.  At least, the vampire population has gone down. 

I fear that hundreds of vampires in neighboring countries have heard the triumphant success of American people taking back our country, and they might send more vampires here to control us once again and make us their livestock.  If that happened....I might've surrendered,but not without a fight.  I'm not so easy to defeat; thus, I would challenges those vampires and die for my country if that is the case.

Right now, I should hurry up and make my way towards the main section for the operation.  I must check out the helicopters to make sure there fully operationally, check out my top squad leaders  and make sure that they are supplied before heading off, check on each General (who will lead all the squads in the other countries) before they leave, and prepare myself.

Diane's POV

Major General Konrad has ultimately decided to lead the vampire units heading towards Japan; while, the lower ranking General's handled the other units in different countries.

As Konrad was making these arrangements, I notice that the vampire extermination unit heading towards Japan contained the strongest people in the United States army with the most experience in fighting and strength; on the other hand, the other vampire extermination units had regular people with average strength and minimum fight experience.

How come the unit heading towards Japan has the upper hand?  Why not the other units?

Something big must be going on if most our army's best fighters are going to Japan.

I'm gonna ask someone about this later.

3rd POV

Diane continues heading towards her section where she was assigned.  Diane was assigned to lead the vampire extermination unit heading towards England, since Diane was one of the only people Major General Konrad could actually trust with a important mission that could possibly change the tides. 

Diane eventually arrived and prepared herself for what was ahead; meanwhile, Konrad headed towards the vampire extermination unit going to Japan and met with one of the most important members of the army.  Konrad stood behind Sergeant Major Xavier Duran.

Xavier Duran's POV

Two regular army soldier men were taking to Xavier until one of them noticed Konrad standing right behind him.  The second soldiers pointed out that Konrad was standing behind him and wanted to speak with him alone.

Xavier turned around and was in a bit of shock to see Konrad up close and personal.  For he had never even seen Konrad before; for, he has only heard about the authority Konrad had in the army and how Konrad is a terrify person to mess with, or talk too. 

With sweat slowly beginning to fall off his face, he spoke to Konrad.

Xavier: " Hello Konrad.  What brings you here? "

No response was given; instead, Konrad gave Xavier a piece of paper with orders on it once they've enter into Japan.  Then Konrad walked away, towards the stage where Konrad was about to give us an message before splitting up into different countries.

2nd POV

You know Konrad, you're very mysterious for our leader.  No-one has never seen you, or heard you.

You're very mysterious.  As mysterious as you are, you recovered America and gave us a fighting chance.  You provided for us in times where we had nothing.  Konrad has basically cared for us since the beginning of what seems like a  eternal apocalypse.

Does anyone question why Konrad was able to advanced America after the world came to an end so quickly?

You must ask why?  What is Konrad trying to gain?  Is it power?  For control?  Konrad managed to wipe out most of the vampire population.  What is Konrad's true motivation?

Most people never question this.  Mostly because the majority  believe Konrad's motivation is to make America the glorious country that it once was.

What are your thoughts?  I'm thinking that it will only serve Konrad's reputation with other nations.  Perhaps...perhaps.

Maybe Konrad's idea's aren't completely a total failure; however, this may be just the beginning.

3rd POV

As everyone was talking about the preparations for this major operation; Kelly Mansion walked in-front of the largest helicopter that was gonna kick off this entire operation.  Following Kelly Mansion was Konrad them-self.

Kelly Mansion was handed a microphone; She started doing a sound check into the microphone.

Kelly's POV

Kelly:"Hello?  Testing.  Testing.  One.  Two.  Three.  Can anyone hear me?  Hello?"

As Kelly began the microphone check, only half of the audience turned around to face Kelly.


Kelly spoke again and a few more people turned around.  She quickly got upset.  Kelly took a deep breath and shouted into the microphone.


Her voice echoed through out the entire building.  Everyone was now paying attention to what Kelly had to say.

Kelly:"Thank you for paying attention.  I received a important message from Konrad a couple of minutes ago.  Konrad has been alerted that during some of our missions that we'll go on there be numerous amounts of vampires located  in certain areas, and some of us won't make it back alive.  Remember this!  Weather we die, or live.  We'll fight together as one massive family.  In which no-one can take us down.  Our comrades will defend each other until the bitter end.  This battle will probably  be the biggest struggle we'll ever have.  Give it your all!"

All was silent for a moment, but then people began to clap, then the majority began to shout in support of what Kelly said.  Kelly then silenced everyone and spoke again.

Kelly:"You may now stop clapping and shouting.  Now every solider will face your squad leaders, or generals who are in charge of you.  From this moment forward, we're dismissed for our missions until further notice."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 24, 2019 ⏰

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