Deku x Reader - Sick

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Deku's POV:

Today was Friday, almost the weekend! I had planned to hang out with Iida, Ochako, and (Y/n) during the weekend, but she didn't show up to school today.

"Maybe she missed the bus?" Ochako asked. "No...(Y/n) is always here on time! Plus she doesn't live that far from the school, I'm sure she walks here!" Iida stated. I stared at my phone as I waited for my last text to go through. "I hope she's okay."

"I'm sure she's fine! She's strong, just like her quirk! Ah, Speaking of it I wish I had such a pretty quirk !"
Ochako smiled.

(Y/n)'s quirk was 'Petal'. She could disappear under the cover of nearby flower petals (or even create them, but that took a lot of energy) and all of a sudden end up on top of you! Bam! Her quirk looked like teleportation, but she really only controlled the petals and moved fast enough to duck behind them.

"Maybe your right." I grinned. "Midoriya your phone went off." Iida pointed to the screen.

To : (Y/n) (L/n)

Deku: Hey! Are you okay? You weren't at school today.

(Y/n): Sorry! I'm sick, don't worry! I'll see you guys later. <3

We all stared at the screen. "I guess she won't be hanging out with us then." Iida sighed. "Thats too bad, we all know Deku's gonna miss his girlfriend!" Ochako laughed.
"H-hey! She's not my girlfriend!"
"As much as I trust you Midoriya, not even I believe that." Iida joined Ochako in laughter. "In all seriousness though, why don't we reschedule and have someone go check on her? Besides, I don't want to go shopping without her!" Ochako exclaimed.

"Ah, but I have to visit my brother today." Iida pondered. "I have something too! That's why we planned for the weekend." Ochako chirped. "So I guess I'll go then!" I sighed, putting my phone back in my pocket. "Well, I better get going!"

"Bye!! Tell (Y/n) I said hi!" Ochako and IIda waved.

...time skip...

Knock knock knock

I waited at the door for (Y/n) to answer. After awhile the door swung open revealing her confused expression. "Who- Deku?" She looked tired, not in a bad way however. Seeing her like this was kind of cute... wait...what? "H-hi (Y/n) ! You said you were sick so I thought I'd come see you!" I grinned. She opened her mouth to speak before sneezing.
"A...ah.." She covered her sneeze making a sound resembling a kitten before sniffling. "Thanks...Deku. But I don't want to get you sick too." At first I thought that was a perfectly good excuse...before I saw the array of pink petals in her hand. "I really don't think I'll sneeze petals if I hang out with you." I laughed. "This is what happens every time I get a cold...but I don't think your going to give up anyway are you?" She smiled softly.

'so cute!'

"Not unless you want me to leave..." She grabbed my wrist and pulled me inside. "Well your already here anyways..." She replied before yawning and locking the door. She walked over to the couch and sat down, clutching a pillow. I looked around the room. "Where are your parents?" "On some cruise in Florida. They've been planning this trip for months, I didn't wanna ruin it." She sighed.

I looked at the counter to see stacks of cupnoodles, tissue boxes, and glasses.
"That's really nice of you (Y/n)... Oh! While they're gone, I can take care of you!" I grinned. Of course I wanted to help (Y/n) get better, but it also meant I could spend more time with her.

She rubbed her eyes sleepily before coughing up more petals into her hand. "Deku thats really sweet but I'm a mess, my house is a mess-" "I can help you clean, and Its not much trouble at all. After all...we're friends."
That last word still tugged at me. Ochako was right, maybe I do want to be more than friends.

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