Momo x Reader - Sick!

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I never get tired of Sick fanfics - I also had a really good idea for Momo so here we are :0

Y/n's POV:
I yawned sleepily staring at the TV in front of me. I had caught a cold from walking home in the rain the day before, which was pretty dumb to do without an umbrella. My thoughts of regret were interrupted by a quick knock at the door. Stumbling over my own feet, I unlocked the door to reveal one of my classmates, Momo Yaoyorozu. I sat next to her in Aizawa's class so we were pretty good friends. "Momo? What are you- ah...ah...!" I sneezed in to my arm. "Aw,
(Y/n) you sneeze like a kitten!" She smiled. "May I come in?" She was wearing an 'O·K' T-shirt and shorts. "I-I really appreciate it, but I don't want to get you sick!" I waved my hands in front of me, but she quickly took hold of them. "Don't worry about it! Come on, I'll take care of you!" She smiled and leaned in, looking into my foggy (e/c) eyes with her beautiful sharp ones. She stepped inside, shutting the door behind her and looked around. "Your house is very cute, (Y/n)!" She looked around the lonely house with awe. "I guess, it's probably nothing conpared to your mansion..." I sighed, nervously scrathing my cheek. "It's small, but I like it. It's cozy. Where are your parents anyway?" She asked curiously. "They, uh, They're on a business trip again. I'm home alone most of the time." I tried to laugh to save the awkward silence but ended up in a coughing fit instead.

"Ah, I guess I'll have to come over more so you're not lonely then!" Her blue eyes pierced into mine making my face heat up. I could blame that on the cold though, right? She sat next to me on the couch while the TV played in the background. She leaned over and put a hand on my forehead. "Ah, your so hot!" She murmured worriedly.

"That's weird, I feel cold..." I mumbled, shivering. She got up and quickly ran towards the kitchen and came back with a cold towel in her hands. "Let me help..." She put the towel aside and started to take off her shirt. "M-m-momo?! What are you doing?!" I could feel the heat rushing to my face at the sight of her half naked figure. She activated her quirk, pulling a blanket from her stomach and laying it over me. "I want you to feel better soon..." She said as a hint of pink dusted on her own cheeks. She laid my head in her lap after throwing her shirt back on and resting the towel on my head.

"Momo I-I don't know about this..." Part of me wanted to get up from her lap and bang my head against the wall 30 times from utter embarassment, but the rest of me never wanted to get up again. She stroked my hair with her hands, looking down on me. "Is it uncomfortable? S-sorry, do you want to get up?" She stammered. "N-no! I mean...It's fine." The silence between us wasn't awkward after that. It was definitley more like...peaceful.
I sat up after a bit to change the towel, but ended up leaving it in the kitchen before joining Momo on the couch.

I could feel her gaze on me as I stared absent mindedly at the screen in front of me. Every negative thought that poured into my mind seemed to voice itself at that moment. 'Does she want to leave? What if she doesn't like me after this? I probably look pretty terrible. She probably thinks I'm weird. If my parents don't want to be here why would she?'  The negativity must have affected my expression, since Momo tapped me on the shoulder. "Is something the matter?" She asked worriedly.

"N-no! It's, uh, nothing." I quickly shook my head, looking down. "Did you want me to leave?" She asked quickly, embarrased in case she had accidentally overstayed her welcome. "Not at all! I just didn't know if you wanted to be here and I didn't want to keep you here because that would be pretty selfish of me and your just trying to help but I'm pretty useless right-" I had started rambling what was inside my head (a trait I had probably picked up from Izuku at some point) until I was interrupted.

Not in the way you'd expect, however.

The other girl leaned in and pressed her lips on to mine. It took me a minute to realize what was actually happening, but I eventually melted in to the surprise kiss. Every book I had read said girl's kisses tasted like flowers or sweets, but this was definitely more vivid. It was like a mixture of Apple juice and peach, not to mention the warmth that flooded through my body and tinted my cheekbones. It didn't feel right for someone plain lile myself to be kissing Momo Yaoyorozu, but I wasn't complaining.

We both pulled away to catch the air we forgot to take in before panting softly. "I-I really like you (Y/n)...I really wanted to help." Momo gazed into my eyes breathing softly. "I...I like you too." I smiled softly. At this point the piercing memory of the fact I was sick shot in to my brain. "B-but wait! I'll probably get you sick too! Especially after that..." I mentally facepalmed before she pulled me into a hug.

"I don't care, I think it was worth it..."she smiled into the embrace. "This is a bit late but, will you go out with me? She looked up at me. "Of course I will...since you don't care, could we do that again?" I wrapped my arms around her neck and placed a new kiss on her lips.

Let's just say I'm glad I forgot my Umbrella the other day.

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