Kirishima x Reader - Rain

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Kirishima's POV:


I turned around as I packed up my things to go home. (Y/n) smiled and joined me, her backpack resting on her shoulders. "Do you want to walk home together?" She asked. I grinned. "Sure, Sounds fun." She picked up one of my books and slid it into my open backpack. "Alright! Let's go!" We walked out of the class and into the hallway. I looked out the window with a sigh. "It's raining don't have an umbrella do you?" She shook her head. "No s-sorry. I forgot it at home." I shot her a smile, trying to cheer her up. "Guess we'll just have to run then!" She smiled at the ground and nodded.

(Y/n) was pretty vibrant when she talked to most of our class since she was friends with all of them- Even Bakugo. We're close enough to use our first names, but I think she likes calling me Kiri. The thing is, she's very shy around other people. She doesn't want to do anything that will make things awkward with her friends either.

By the time we got outside, it was pouring rain. She sighed and mumbled something about how forgetful she was before looking out at the rain in front of her. "Well, we better get going." We started jogging down the street to my house. Her house was farther away from the school so I usually got back first.

"This isn't too bad, right?" I spoke between breaths. That small comment seemed to jinx us however, because the rain started pounding over top of us. Her mary janes clicked against the puddles sidewalk as we made it to my front door. There was a small ledge protecting us from getting soaked, though it was a bit late for that. "Ah, my clothes are all wet..." She looked up at me. "What am I saying...You got soaked as well."
"You can come in and dry off if you want, my parents are on a business trip this weekend." I unlocked the door and let her inside. "Really? Thanks." She smiled and slipped off her shoes.

I shut the door and threw my jacket on the floor next to the shoe rack. (Y/n) was looking down at her shirt, which was just as wet as everything else we were wearing. "I hate to ask, but can I use your dryer?" She looked at me apologetically, like it was her fault the clouds were crying. "Of course! I'll find you something to use while they dry." I lent her a shirt and shorts she could use as she walked overvto my room to change. "U-um hold on, I'll hand you the wet clothes through the door." She mumbled, pink tinted on her face causing mine to go red as well. "Y-yeah okay!" She shut the door and I backed away, hoping she didn't see the red on my face.

After a few seconds the door cracked open and she handed them over. I looked away and took them into my arms. I threw them into the dryer along with my own uniform and changed before heading back up. "A-are you done (Y/n)?" I spoke through the door to my room. There was no way I'd take the chance of running in on her- that's not exactly manly. It'd probably make me more like Mineta...I shook the thought out of my head just as she opened the door, pink dusted on her cheeks. "The, um, The shorts kept sliding off..." She was wearing a big pajama shirt without anything under it. The shirt was long enough to cover some of her thigh, but it still hung over her knees. My eyes drifted down to her legs before quickly turning away. "That's okay- wait, aren't you cold?"

She smiled. "I already used your dryer, your clothes, and stayed in your house. I don't want to be anymore of a bother." I shook my head. "You're not a bother, (Y/n). I just wanted to make sure you were okay." I smiled back. She looked across the room at the window. The rain didn't seem like it would slow down anytime soon.

"I guess I'm kind of cold." I grinned and jumped on top of the bed. "Come here- I have like 200 blankets in this thing." She climbed in next to me and pulled the blankets over her legs. "Thanks, Kiri." She yawned. "This rain is pretty boring isn't it? What should we do?" I asked. "...we could watch a movie." She mumbled. "Alright, what about (favorite movie)?" I flicked through the channels until I found what I was lookung for. I attempted to stay awake to watch but between the time I spent at school and the sound of the rain against the roof I fell asleep. Luckily for me, (Y/n) was already asleep too.

I opened my eyes and yawned, forgetting about what had previously happened. The rain still pounded outside and the movie was long gone. How long had I slept? I started to get up before I realized the position I was in. My arms were wrapped around
(Y/n) and her hands fell flat against my chest. Our legs were tangled up a bit and I could feel the heat radiating off her body. My face burned as I tried to figure out what to do. Any sudden moves and she'd probably wake up. I tried sliding my arm out from around her but she only cuddled more into my embrace, so I took a risk and hugged her tighter.

(Y/n) and I had been friends for awhile, probably even best friends. However, Mina is almost 100% sure that I like her. You know, Like - Like her.

And I think she was right.

I looked down at (Y/n) as her eyes fluttered open. "Mmm...Eijiro?" She mumbled, looking up at me. "I-I'm sorry! I don't know how this happened but it was probably pretty weird for you right?" I stammered. She layed back down, pressing her chest into mine. "'s not weird. We're friends..." She murmured. I sighed. "I don't think this is what friends do..." "Sorry,  I didn't think about how you'd feel." She lifted herself up and sat on the bed next to me, leaving my arms empty. "I-I'm sorry." She mumbled looking down at her fingers.

"Hey...have you talked to Mina lately?" I asked quickly. She shook her head. "Why?"
"She, um, thinks I might have a crush on you." (Y/n)'s cheeks, for about the 50th time today, lit up a bright pink. "That's a weird thing to imply."

"The weird thing is, she's right." I turned my head away quickly. "R-r-really? That's not a very nice joke by the way..." She shot me a sad smile. "But it's not a joke-" I leaned in closer to her face. "...So would you mind if I, um, kissed you?" She closed the distance between us quickly, pressing hervlips softly against my own.

When we pulled away, the blush was evident on our faces. She caught her breath and stared at my lips. "I like you too...Does this make us...?" I smiled. "Yeah, I think it does." She grinned and placed her lips on mine again. "Good, now my face won't be as red." She looked out the window, the rain growing softer against the panes. "Hold on, I'll call my mom and tell her I'll be home tomorrow if that's okay. I wasn't done with that nap."

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