Chapter 1: Popular As Can Be

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(This story isn't canon to the other books.)

In a school, we have a hierarchy system. The least part of the hierarchy you want to be on is the unknowns or the outsiders and loners for the lamest. And the number one top is the popular kids. Members of this group are always viewed to have the most fun and enjoy themselves. They usually come from upper-class families and are well known for their expensive clothing and gadgets, parties, and in some cases, substance abuse. They pride themselves on being at the center of attention.

In fact, I'm in the class. I take a lot of pride in myself, but the one thing I don't take pride in is bullshit from other people. And I have a lot of friends in the second class; The Jocks.

Members of the jocks are most well-known for playing sports in or outside of school. They usually tend to have lots of friends and are often associated with the popular group. Such athletes are recognized regularly for their talents by the school and are often seen engaged in relationships.

On the other hand of this, I mostly like watching...

"Jack~" I hummed to myself, watching him from the top bleachers as he tackled a dude from the other team to the ground. Suddenly, I hear a chuckle beside me, making me blush.

"Your so weird El! Drooling over Jack everytime you see him in the hallway. You are so in love." Replied Niki, one of the most badass friends in the world!

"N-No, I'm not! If I was, I would have asked him out already!" I hissed, crossing my arms over my chest, glaring at her. Sighing, Niki patted my back, smirking.

"Sure, baby sis." Niki giggles, holding me close to her side, making me smile.

After an hour, the game was over and our school won 24 touchdowns to 19. I walked into the school and felt arms wrap around my body.

"Ellis! I'm glad you could come!" A familiar voice came from the person behind me. Jack!

"Jacky!" I yelled, hugging him before pulling away, holding my nose, "God, you smell!" I screamed, pulling away quickly as Jack and Niki laughed. I back up more, only to bump into someone, both of us falling down.

"Agh! Watch where you're going!" A males voice yelled, making me look up to see dark coal eyes.

"Ellis!" Niki panicked, running over to me and grabbing my hand, pulling me up, "Are you okay?"

"I'm fabulous," I said, looking back at the male to see him gone, "....Weirdo." I mumbled before smiling at Niki and Jack.

Jack decided to take me and Niki out to eat, his treat of course. While we were there, we gossiped about a lot of the drama going around. But, one topic got my eye. The new kid.

I got lost in thought, thinking about the male I tripped over. Wondering, who he was. And why he was rude, I mean, I get why he was rude but he didn't have to yell at me. That puts him on my list of 'Jackasses'.

"Ellis!" Niki yelled, snapping me out of my thoughts as I looked at her.

"What?" I questioned, making Niki and Jack laugh. I was clueless.

"The new kid," Jack said as I nodded, "He's the one that yelled at you."

"Oh!" I got the clue, putting my smoothie down, "Yeah, I was wondering that because I've never seen him around."

"You don't see people around when they're in a low class. For god sake, you just met one of the wannabes trying to act like you." Niki pointed out, making me shrug slightly.

The wannabes are the fourth class in our school. The wannabes are exactly as their names define them—they aspire to be nothing more than the popular kids. They mimic a popular kid's behaviors, lifestyle, and actions, but are not actually part of the popular group. And I had a run-in with one of them.

"And, Niki had to hold you back from hurting the poor girl" Jack commented, making me roll my eyes.

"She needed to know her place," I whispered, moving my straw around my banana-strawberry smoothie, "Honestly, it's quite annoying having to deal with them," I spoke, watching them both nod in agreement.

"Well, we should get going. Thanks, Jacky for buying us dinner," Niki smiled, forcing me to get up as I groaned in annoyance, "I know you're lazy, but I don't care! Come on!" Niki roared slightly, slinging me over her shoulder.

For a person that looks like a twig, she is really strong. That's why shes badass and well known around the school. Niki comes from two classes, the popular and the rebels. She doesn't care for being popular; her most recent fight was with a student that touched her butt.

"Ugh...." I groaned out, letting myself hang over her shoulder as she walked out of the restaurant with Jacks help.

"Hey, your the new kid right?" I hear Niki's voice ask, making me raise my head.

"What's it to you?" A familiar voice replied as I pushed myself up, looking behind me to see the same pair of dark coal eyes.

"Uh... Hi?" I waved over to him, his eyes widening slightly before they give a piercing sharp glare.

"You," He harshly spat out, making me jump slightly.

Never in my life, have I experienced what I was going through. As I was slung over Niki's shoulder, I stared at the male, trembling slightly.

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