Chapter 2: A Piercing Glare

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(Chapter 2, yay!) 

After that episode, I got home alive with Niki sleeping on my bed. I sat on by my desk, doing homework and looking through mine and Niki's clothes. Deciding to wear either a short skirt or ripped jeans. Sighing, I chose the ripped jeans and placed the skirt back in my walk-in closet.

I put my outfit on my desk and chose Niki's clothes. Suddenly, I felt arms around me, making me jump.

"El, join me. I'm cold!" Niki whispers, her arm wrapping around my waist as she pulls me to the bed. I sighed and fell back on the bed with Niki, snuggling into her chest as she buries her face in my hair.

"Better?" I asked, closing my eyes as I hear her heartbeat.

"Very," She whispers, making me yawns slightly while I shut off my side lamp and letting the darkness inclose me.

Suddenly, piercing sunlight shown over my face and making me cringe. Groaning, I got up and yawned as I looked up to see Niki getting dressed.

"Morning sleepy head." She smiled, clipping her bra and sliding on her tank top. I waved slightly and got up, walking to the bathroom and brushing my teeth. I put my hair up in a messy bun before shuffling into my room, taking off my clothes.

"Did the maid come up?" I asked, looking at the neatly folded clothes on my desk. I looked at Niki as she shrugged, leaving the room. I slid on my underwear and jeans, putting on a red push up bra as Niki walked in and helped clipped it. I blushed slightly when she hugged me, "N-Niki?"

"Sorry, I just needed a hug." She whispered, making my eyes soften slightly as I hugged her. I pulled away after a few seconds, feeling her place a kiss on my forehead.

"Go put on waterproof eyeliner, I don't want your pretty face ruined by it," I smiled, watching her chuckle and nod before walking off to the bathroom. I put on a short-long sleeved shirt and a necklace along with high boots.

I walked to the bathroom and helped Niki with her makeup. Once I was finished I did mine, putting on a light pink lip gloss. I followed Niki downstairs into the big living room, grabbing our bags as my father walks out of his workroom.

"Morning girls! Have a good day!" His husky voice rang in my ears as he kissed both mine and Niki's forehead.

"Will do dad!" We both said in unison, hugging him before walking out to Niki's silver Toyota. I got in the passenger seat as Niki placed her stuff in the back with my leather bag.

"Starbucks?" She asks, looking at me as I threw my hands up in the air.

"Yeah!!" I screamed, making her laugh as she started the car, driving out of the driveway and onto the main road. We drove to Starbucks, banging our head to Set It Out. Sometimes I get scared when Niki headbangs so much. Once we got our coffee, we set out to the hell called the school.

We pulled into the parking lot, watching students walk into the gate. One person caught my eye, the new kid was hanging out at the entrance. Great, drama. I grabbed my bag and coffee, walking towards him.

"Hey," I waved towards him, getting no response from him. Sighing, I walked passed him only to get grabbed by the arm.

"What do you want?" His harsh-deep voice asked, annoyance showing.

"Trash." I nodded towards the trashcan behind him while holding up my cup. He moved quickly as I put my cup in the trash before walking away, feeling his stare on the back of my head.

"What was that about?" Niki asked, standing next to Jack and his team. Shrugging, we walked into the school and towards our lockers. We grabbed our books, talking about the newest gossip in the school; There was a fight after the game yesterday between the new kid and the number one bully. Apparently, the new kid won.

I waved goodbye as Niki and I separated, me going to reading and Niki going to math. I walked into the classroom and sat in the front. The lesson began after the bell rung but soon ended when the door opened revealing the new kid.

"Mr. Mental, your late," the teacher replied as the kid shrugged, walking past me towards the back corner, "As I was saying, we are going to be doing a project," The class groaned, including me. I watched people around me lose interest as one was on their phone and the other was laying their head down, "But, in groups of two-"

Suddenly, the whole class erupted in happiness. But I knew what was coming.

"I get to choose who your grouping with." Yup! There it is! I knew it! I was annoyed by the people yelling at the teacher.

I lost interested when he started calling names out as I looked over at the girl on her phone. She was looking at porn. Ew...

"Ellis Greenflame," I looked up at the teacher," And Mental." I heard a groan in the back of the room as I rolled my eyes. I looked over to see the kid, Mental, glaring at me.

There it is, that glare that makes me freeze. That makes me scared and trembling. Something about him, makes me want to be drawn towards him.

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