Chapter 3: Not Alone Buddies

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(Another chapter, yay~) 

As class was nearing, the teacher let us get into our groups to let us start talking about our assignments. But, he wouldn't move. So, I was forced to sit next to him.

"You do the assignment alone. I'm too busy," He said boldly, making my eye twitch.

"You wish!" I lightly punched his arm, earning a small smile from him. I took out a piece of paper and started jotting down ideas, him watching over my shoulder.

"Our worst fears?" He questioned, making me nod as I looked up at him. He shot me a look of 'are you crazy?'

"Why not? I mean, our worst fears are our worst pleasure." I said softly, watching him roll his eyes. I pressed my lips together and stared at him with an unamused expression.

He stared back at me. The tension between us is real. Game ON! I continued to stare at him, he continues to stare at me. Soon, my eyes began to water, a smirk rising on his lips. Then, I was forced to blink!

"You cheated!" I hissed, glaring at him as he seems amused.

"I sure did," He admitted, ignoring my tantrum as he packed up his stuff. I growled softly before putting things away, getting up as the belled ring to only find him running out the door first.

"Weird.," I whispered before walking out to meet up with Niki and Jackie. While I wondered the halls, I was suspecting myself that maybe the new kid isn't as dangerous as I believed. I couldn't help but grin to myself at that absurd thought.

Furthermore, I rounded the corner to smack into someone's rear. I collapsed back onto the floor, scowling up at the person before glancing around. There were characters gathering around a fight.

"That's eerie," I muttered as I stood up, "There are never any fights here but..," I shoved past people and moved to the front of the crowd to see the new kid getting knocked on the floor. I gasped loudly while covering my mouth before leaping over to the two fighting and landing in front of Mental.

Then, a something collided with the back of my head. I let out a grunt, the blackness overwhelming my mind as I sank forward. Someone crying out my name.

No, my reputation. It's ruined.

Soon, I awoke to the sound of a fan ringing in my alerted ears. I groaned at the pitch of the fan waving at me as I rolled onto my side, the blanket slipping off of me. That's when the mattress sunk behind me, the blanket throwing itself onto my body, clinging to my skin.

"You're such an idiot." A male's voice whispered, making my cheeks heat up in embarrassment.

"I know," I muttered, feeling the back of my head sustaining into pain. I slowly sat up with his help, locking eyes with his hard black ones, "Mental?" I suspected, staring at him as his bangs were hiding half his face.

"Idiot!" He yelled at me, making me jump in fear, "You're lucky to only have this issue with you! What would happen if you had gotten injured much worse?!"

"M-Mental..," I murmured, staring at him as he looked at me with regret showing in his eyes.

"Sorry, for dragging you into this." He informed as he got up, walking towards the door out of the nurses' office.

"W-Wait!" I cried out, but he didn't turn back. He just kept walking, neglecting my cry. I sighed, hearing running from outside the nurse's office to face with a tear-stained Niki.

"Ellis..," She whispered, choking a sob as she ran over to me, slamming me into a hug, "You moron!" She cried out.

"Niki," I responded, wrapping my arms around her waist, "I'm okay. I promise, just calm down." I whispered, shushing her till she calmed down.

"our father is here," Niki muttered under her breath, "He wants to take us home." She replied, helping me out of the bed and onto her back.

Niki carried me out of the school and rambled towards the parking lot. Everybody gazed at us, making me miserable as I was clinging to her. In the distance, I could see my fathers car and assume that he wouldn't do anything thoughtless.

"My daughters!" I could hear his husky voice and a car door slamming. I felt a hand run in my hair, it was rough yet gentle.

"Daddy?" I looked up to see his face, his eyes full of worry. My eyes started watering slightly before I buried my face into Niki's shoulder. I felt Niki sigh before we started moving towards, I assume, is dad's car.

Niki sat me in the back while she sat in the front, talking to Dad while I sat in silence. I glanced out the window, my mind was empty for the most part of the ride home. All I wanted was to not think anymore.

Once we got home, I was transported to my room and launched on the bed, literally. Niki covered me in my blankets after helping me change into something comfortable. After that, she went downstairs to let me rest.

Honestly, I didn't want to rest. I wanted to go back to school and explain to Mental. I knew I wouldn't die, that's why I did it. In fact, I did it for different reasons.

The one question that came to my mind is, why didn't I fight back? Oh, that's right. The taboo Niki and I promised to our father. Never fight someone if it isn't for self-defense.

I wonder what Mental is thinking right now. He must think I'm a weakling or a complete moron. I don't blame him for thinking those things. After all, I am just a moron inside a weapon.

I turned onto my side, pulling my teddy bear into my chest for comfort. Sighing, I started tossing and turning on my bed. Then, I just gave up and sat up, shuffling out of bed. I put on my bunny slippers and wandered out of my room with a small blanket wrapped around my small figure.

I almost stumbled down the stairs before I caught myself, only on one foot. My right hand was digging into the wall as if I was a ballerina. Sometimes, I wish I was instead of a weapon my father made me into.

I could care less about people below me. I'm the only threat my family is scared off. That's why I have blood on my hands, my brother's blood. I didn't care. He pissed me off.

And so, he needed to be punished. I punished him, badly. Now he's lying in the ground, and I'm still pissed at him. But, I was mostly mad at myself. I was selfish.

I started walking into the kitchen before the doorbell rung. I sighed softly before walking to the door, opening the door to face the new kid.

"M-Mental?" I questioned, staring at him as a smirk formed on his face. He raised his hand and made a peace sign.

"Sup moron." He commented, making me glare at him in annoyance.

"You little...." I growled, my cheeks burning. If it wasn't for Niki, I would have killed him by now!

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⏰ Last updated: May 26, 2018 ⏰

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