Jeff the Killer

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I just lie on my bed staring at the frosty window.

It's wintertime and the snow blocks the streets. No school tomorrow.

I get up and get dressed. I'm going to meet my friend Rose. She lives a couple of blocks down. I promised I would take her ice skating today.

I brush out my long brown hair. I have never liked my face so that's why my long bangs cover up most of my face.

I put my phone in my pocket and head downstairs.

My mother and father sit at the kitchen tables eating breakfast.

While my brother Liu sits watching tv.

I'm almost out the door then my mother speaks.

"Where do you think your going Jeff?"

"I'm going to see Rose." I walk out the door before she could ask me anymore questions and start walking to Roses house.

She lives about five minutes walking distance.

It's a gloomy day and it starts to snow softly. I put my hoodie on.

A couple of guys stand in the middle of the sidewalk so I cross the street trying to avoid them.

"Where you going?" One of them says.

I stop and look at them.

They start crossing the street.

I continue walking just faster this time.

"You gonna run you little wuss!" They yell.

I ignore them and keep walking.

One of them runs up to me and pushes me on the floor.

Damm that hurt.

One of them kicks my side.

Pain runs up my side.

I turn around and start getting up.

One of them has his fists up.

I put my hand in my pocket and bring out a pocket knife.

They all look at me with wide eyes.

I stare straight into there eyes and smile.

I step closer and closer to them and after two steps they start running.

I put the knife back in my pocket and continue my walk to Roses house.

I walk up to her simple white house that's covered in snow. She waits on the porch in a light blue snow outfit.

Wow isn't she just beautiful.

She runs up to me and basically tackles me. She hugs me tight and I hug her back. She kisses my cheek and smiles.

"I thought you wouldn't come." She says.

"I just had some trouble on the way. It's okay." I say.

"Was it Randy and Troy again?"

"Yeah. It's okay though. They can't hurt me."

"I know they can't. No one can hurt you Jeff." She kisses me softly.

"Lets go." I say.

We walk hand in hand down the street. It snows softer and it feels like a perfect day. We get to the ice skating rink and get our skates on.

She helps me skate and hold my balance since I'm all wobbly.

She just laughs at me.

"Smile Jeff. " She says with the biggest smile ever.

I love her smile. Mine I don't like.

I crack a small smile and she smiles even bigger.

My smile doesn't last long.

We skate for hours until Rose gets a text saying she has to get home.

It's about six o clock. We turn in the skates and start walking home.

Rose shivers so I give her my hoodie.

I shiver too but I don't mind the coldness.

A gust of wind blows Roses beautiful light brown hair. Her face looks all frosty and here cheeks are all rosey.

Up ahead are the three guys again.

Randy, Troy , and Keith.

Randy used to be Roses boyfriend but she left him for me. I don't know why but I'm happy because she is happy. She told me that she loved me the other day and I said it back. Since then rumours spread and now Randy and his gang want to kill me or just get rid of me.

Randy turns and sees us. His mouth turns into a huge wicked smile and he starts walking our way. His little gang follows him.

"My love. Freak show." Randy says.

"Randy." Rose says.

I keep my mouth shut and just put my hand in my pockets.

"What are you doing with this wuss." Randy says.

"None of your business." Rose says.

She puts her arms around mine and starts pulling me around them.

Randy grabs my shoulder and pulls me around.

Before I can react he punches me in the face and everything goes black.

Jeff the KillerWhere stories live. Discover now