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I get to Roses house and it must be about 4:30am.

Her house is dark. Everyone is asleep.

I walk around her house and to her window.

I wipe the snow from her window and take out my knife.


Someone my knife unlocks her window and I slide it open.

I climb in.

Rose lays fast asleep in her bed covered in many blankets.

She looks so beautiful when she sleeps.

I go to her desk and open it quietly.

I find some paper and a pen.

I sit down and start to write.

To my Dear Rose,

                 I'm sorry about my face scaring you earlier but I really don't see how it is scary. I write this note to you while watching you sleep. You look so beautiful when you sleep. I missed you all day today. If you want to see me you must text me. I'm not going to live with my parents anymore, they hate me. Meet me at school later today. No one will be there except you and me.

                    Love You Rose.

                                                   Jeff  T.K.

I fold the note and lie it softly beside her on her pillow.

I climb back out the window then shut it tight. I pick up some snow on the ground and cover her window.

She will never know I came threw the window.

I start walking to the park.

It's 5:00.

I sit on a bench and just look around.

The trees have snow crystals hanging from them and the floor is icy.

The playground is full of snow.

The park looks abandoned.

A man with a long beard and jagged clothes walks into the park and sits on one of the swings. He doesn't swing he just sits there.

His face looks blue and covered in dirt. He probably hasn't taken a shower in weeks.

He kicks the snow under his feet and coughs.

Another guy walks in. He looks at the guy in the jagged clothes and spits in front of him.

By his haircut. I know it's Randy.

Why the hell would Randy come to the park so early in the morning to pick on a street person?

He pushes the guy off the swings and the guy falls down and starts coughing. Randy starts kicking him.

I can't take this any more.

I get up and take out my knife.

I walk to Randy and pull down the hoodie from my head. I push the hair out of my face then tap Randys shoulder.

He turns and his face looks like he just crapped himself.

"JJJJJeff." He says with so much fear I think he forgot how to run.

"Hi Randy." I say with a huge smile.

Before he can even think about running.

I thrust my knife into his stomach.

He gasps and looks down at his bloody side.

I twist the knife and blood starts dripping out of his mouth.

I pull the knife out and he falls.

He tries getting up but he can't.

"Randy, I'm not done yet." I smile and bend down next to his dieing body.

His breathing harder and now his started to cough up blood.

I put the knife in his mouth.

"Why aren't you smiling Randy?" My smile grows.

I cut a smile across his face and he dies.

"Randy. At least you died smiling." I leave his eyes open and look at the dirty man staring in fear.

"I just saved your life. I would have expected a thank you." I say.

The man nods.

"Thanks." He says in a raspy voice.

I wipe the blood on Randys shirt . I get up and put the knife back in my pocket and start walking to the school.

Rose is going to love that she doesn't have to deal with Randy any more.

I wonder if she has read my letter yet.

Jeff the KillerWhere stories live. Discover now