13 - Scott

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I've definitely taken a step out of my comfort zone tonight. Or maybe a couple. Never in a million years would I ever step foot in a rave. I become overwhelmed with everything as soon as I step through the plastic hanging in the doorway. Colorful, bright lights are flashing all over the place almost blinding me. The music is so loud that I feel the vibrations in my chest. A mass of people are dancing in the middle of the room, covering more than half of the room.

I take a few deep, calming breaths. I can do this.

A couple passes by me, their fingers intertwined, laughing as they step out into the hallway I just emerged from. Everyone looks like they are having so much fun here. How are they able to let go of all of their problems?

Using my heightened sight, I scan the area for someone I recognize. On the way over here, I decided that I wasn't going to let Isaac or Derek see me. If they see me, they will force me to leave. I need to prove to them that I'm not as fragile as they think. I can do this. On the dance floor, I spot Erica dancing with a random guy rather sexually. I wrinkle my nose. I would have preferred if I hadn't seen that.

I collide into someone and snap my head back to apologize. Caught off guard, I freeze at the brunette I bumped in to. "Uh, s-sorry."

Allison furrows her eyebrows. "Chloe?"

I partially smile. "Hi."

"I didn't know you were helping Derek out." She glances over her shoulder.

I tap my fingers on my thigh. I can do this. "Yeah, um- I need to go." Before she can stop me, I step into the mass of people. People bump in to me from all sides as I push my way through everyone. I don't exactly have a plan. Someone bumps in to my back and I stumble forward, grabbing on to anyone I can to keep myself from falling.

"Chloe?" A voice yells over the music behind me. I whirl around, coming face to face with Erica. "You made it!"

"Yeah." I step out of a couple's way.

Erica grabs my arm and leads me out of the dancing crowd. "Look, we are about to start our plan. You need to stay out of the way, so no one else sees you." I nod my head. "But, first-" Her hands dart forward. One, yanking my hair out of the ponytail and the other, unbuttoning my cardigan to reveal my black tank top.

"Erica!" I hiss.

She slaps my hands away when I go to button my cardigan back up. "Stop. You look good. You need to blend in. Now, shake your hair out." I stay rooted, which only makes her shake my hair out with her hands. "Now, go."

With a good push, I walk away from her. Scott and Allison are blocking my way and I duck behind a pillar to avoid being seen. I concentrate on blocking out the music to focus on what they are argueing about.

"What did you tell them?" Scott asks her.

"I- I told them-" Allison starts to say.


"I- I had to tell them."

"Oh, my god, they know it's Jackson."

"People are dying, Scott. What am I supposed to do?"

"You're supposed to trust me."

"I-I-I trust you, more than anyone!"

No, you clearly don't otherwise you wouldn't have told anyone. I peek around the pillar. Scott looks speechless for words and I can only see the back of Allison's head.

"We've- we had a plan." Scott looks everywhere except Allison.

"So do they."

Give Me Hope [Teen Wolf] (Wattys2014)Where stories live. Discover now