6 - Fighting Death

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   Everyone, including Derek, has been on edge ever since he declared that my body was rejecting the bite. Isaac refuses to live my side and is constantly asking if I'm okay. Derek is always giving me worried looks. Last night, my ear started to bleed black blood. Derek was the first one to see the blood ooze out of my ear and reacted by grabbing the closest cloth material. He held it up to my ear while I cried. Isaac held me to his chest during the whole thing. 

   Derek has been awfully nice to me. I can't figure out if it's because I'm dying or because he feels like part of this is his fault. He said there's no way to save me from this. I'm going to die, I just have no idea when. Honestly, I wish it would just happen already. 

   I don't want to die, I really don't. I can't avoid something like this. Why did my body have to reject the bite? According to Derek, Isaac's body accepted the bite. Why couldn't my body do that? I'm not ready to die.

   Unfortunately, with our dad being dead, Derek said it was probably best for both of us to go to the school and act like we had no idea our dad was murdered. Yes, because in my last few dying hours, I want to be in school. Isaac said he wouldn't leave my side during the whole day, but we have different classes. There's no way he can be with me all day. I was just going to have to keep a level head and not let the thought of dying at any given moment freak me out. 

   Derek drove us to the school. Isaac had this new attitude about him. Inside, I know he is freaking out about me, but on the outside, you can see that he is more confident, something that he has always lacked. Girls all over the school have been practically drooling over Isaac. I guess a new attitude and a jacket borrowed from Derek can change everyone's perspective of you.

   Isaac leans up against the lockers next to the doorway to my first period. "I'll meet you right here after class, okay? Just text me- or call me- if you need me. I'll be here in a second."

   I bite my lip, nervously. "Okay."

   He's not lying either. Isaac has been learning about his new abilities now that he is a werewolf. Ablilities like, being able to run super fast, supernatural strength, his senses amplified. He can do so much more now. I could do the same thing if my body hadn't decided to reject the bite. 

   Issac forces me into a hug, both of us wondering if this will be the last time we see each other. We cling on to each other, tears threatening to leak out of my eyes. Neither of us wanted to come to school. Derek said up to a few days that I would live. My few days are about to be up. "I'll see you after class, okay?"

   I should say something, anything, but my tongue feels heavier than lead. We both need words of comfort, yet we aren't going to get any from each other. Derek was clear when he said not to let anyone know what happened to us. We're the only ones we can trust. Once I leave, Isaac will be on his own. 

   The bell rings, signaling for first period to begin. Mr. Walker motions for me to step inside of the classroom. Isaac starts to slowly back away. I'm not ready to say goodbye yet. Please don't let this be goodbye. Not yet.



   I've survived the whole day of school. Isaac couldn't miss lacrosse practice. Coach Finstock literally dragged Isaac to practice after school. Now, I'm sitting on the bleachers, watching the team practice. I haven't completely been paying attention to what is going on on the field. I'm too absorbed in drowning in my own thoughts, drowning in fear. 

   Am I going to die tonight? Is this my last hour to be alive?

   "McCall!" Coach Finstock shouts from the sidelines. 

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