chapter 8

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TL Note: Author doesn’t seem to know Western names well so to avoid confusion.

Ian = Female mage

Melinda = Male priest (dead)

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I was quickly sapping the vitality of the tree I was holding. As it weakened I was able to easily push it down to the ground.


It fell down with a loud thud. I repeated the same process with other trees until I had several pieces of timber. I leaned them up against each other to form what looked like a small pyramid. My intention was to make an Native American style teepee.


I used the spell to lightly burn the leaves and twigs on the floor. Fireshock wasn’t very powerful so there was no real combustion, but it was useful in this situation for cleaning and disinfecting possible bacteria. I picked out some large leaves from outside and lay them down on the floor to make it more comfortable. Unfortunately, as soon as I had grabbed them they lost their vitality and color, but they still did an ok job.

I then decided to look to its defenses, I chose to make a deep chasm by using my magic.


[Inferno level 1 ➢ 2]

An intense flame storm burnt through the earth, sucking up all the oxygen. The result was a hole which was about 7~8 meters deep and 5 meters wide. It was deep enough to hopefully offer some sort of protection. I expected the 5 meters would be too far for the termites to jump and the heat from the inferno had melted and hardened the walls of the moat making it very smooth and slippery.

I waited for my mana to recover before continuing with inferno to completely circle the teepee’s perimeter with a deep ring. I then picked up some leftover trees and created a small bridge to be able to cross. The result was a small fortress which was virtually impenetrable by simply moving the bridge from the inside. To make it easier for the feeble mage to move the bridge herself, I placed a large round support beam in the middle to act as a pivot and by simply turning the bridge 90 degrees, she could isolate herself from the other side.

I then went back to fetch her.

‘Huh? Where did she go?’

She was nowhere to be found and it was almost sunset, I worried she would be attacked by monsters.


The baby dragon cried in hunger, I threw it a piece of termite meat which it quickly gobbled it up before climbing up on me to go back to sleep.

I started walking around, searching for her when I heard some water rustling in the distance.

‘Ah right I never asked if she was thirsty!’

I remembered that all the water I had squeezed from the moss had long been finished. Walking towards the stream I came upon a scene of a naked woman washing in the water. ‘Oh, would she be embarrassed because I saw her?’

I turned my head, intending to look away.

“Who are you?” the mage asked, not bothering to cover herself up at all.

“Oh! It’s mister. I’m sorry I was so dirty I just had to go for a wash.”

I simply pointed to her clothes lying on the side of the stream.

“Aaaaah! I’m Naked! Look away!”

I turned around, giving her the chance to get dressed.

‘Oh, seems like being a skeleton, I am no longer attracted to women. Despite seeing the body of a beautiful naked woman I didn’t feel any emotions, it’s really too unfortunate. If this had happened in my previous life, I would have shouted, Lucky!!! But now, it just felt like I was observing a nice painting, devoid of any sexual emotions. Seems my mentality has changed greatly according to my species.

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