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Keira Dixon 

Age: 13 

Birthday: November 2nd 

Description: Keira is new to Darwin Hill

and had just started going there 4 Months Ago. 

Keira is not very good at math and enjoys Drawing

and her favorite subject in school is Art. 

Friends: Grace, August, Lynn, Mackenzie, Luan 

Grace Valentine 

Age: 12 

Birthday: May 19th  

Description: Unlike Keira, Grace on the other hand enjoys 

things such as Writing and Reading Books. Grace is pretty

okay with math and she kinda likes Art but Grace's favorite 

subject in school is English. 

Friends: August, Keira, Lynn, Mackenzie 

August Clark 

Age: 12 

Birthday: July 2nd 

Description: August has been going to Darwin 

hill for a year now and so far enjoys it. August 

also has been friends with Lynn longer then she 

has with Keira and Grace. But August is into Music

and beats and her favorite app to be on is Drum pads 

24.  August dream is to one day make an Album out of 

the recordings of her beats she makes. 

Friends: Keira, Grace, Lynn, Mackenzie 

Lynn Baxter 

Age: 13

Birthday: February 6th 

Description: Lynn is Also Kinda new to Darwin Hill

along with her older cousin Mackenzie but has been 

going to darwil hill a little longer then Keira has. Lynn

is Bad at math just like Keira and is okay with English

but Lynn is more into Art and Enjoys photography,

and Nature and editing pictures. 

Friends: Keira, August, Grace 

Joe waud

Age: 15 newly 

Birthday: March 14th

Description: Joe has been going to Darwin hill for a year now and is popular 

at school and on social Media and his favorite social media is Twitter and 

Instagram but the one thing Joe enjoys that no one knows is Math. Joe 

has loved math ever since he was really young and was one of Mrs. C's

best students back when she used to be a 7th grade teacher in seattle.

He never told anyone because Joe is also very shy and introverted and 

a little insecure at times and thinks that if he tells his friends that they'll

make fun of him and call him a nerd and take him out the group 

Friends : Jack, Chandler, Sam, Seth mc dougall, Connor, Chase keith

Jason waud 

Age: 15 newly 

Birthday: Same as Joe March 14th

Description: Jason is Joe's twin but unlike Joe Jason is not that really into math and

 in fact he actually kinda hates math but Jason is actually more into sports such as 

basketball and soccer and Also enjoys social media such as Tik Tok, Instagram, 

and etc. Jason is also one of the most popular kids at Darwin hill and on social 

media and actually a bit popular then Joe.  A lot of girls like Jason and always say 

that he's  "so cute" and say that he has the most adorable blue eyes and even

though Jason can be a jerk and hard core under that mean tough guy act Jason 

is actually a little insecure like his brother and also very sensitive and super 


Friends:  Owen, Chandler, Connor, Seth Mc dougall, Chase Keith, Payton

Chase Keith - Back round character

Age: 15

Birthday : October 24th 

Description: Chase Keith is Keira's older friend and is also a good friend of 

Jason and Joe's. He met Jason and Joe and Keira at an event called

the Musermovement. Chase is also very popular at the school he goes 

to Mathew Allerton and Enjoys Netflix, and social media as well and 

eating. Chase is  also very funny and plans to become a comedian 


Luan Williams - Another Back round Character 

Age: 12 

Birthday: June 12th 

Description: Luan is One of Keira's Best friends.

Luan Likes Math kinda Like Joe but not as much 

as him but Luan doesn't really have a favorite subject.

Luan also really enjoys Fashion and going to the mall 

with her friends and knitting. 

Mackenzie Lions - Another Back round character

Age: 14 

Birthday: December 20th

Description: Mackenzie is Lynn's cousin that Keira had met

at Lynn's 13th birthday Party. Mackenzie Just started going 

to Darwin Hill 2 weeks ago. Mackenzie is not really into 

math or art or english like Keira, Grace and her cousin 

Lynn but Mackenzie is more a athlete and enjoys sports

and Gym. But Two things Mackenzie Loves doing most 

are skateboarding and roller skating. 

Keira's Crush: Joe waud

Grace's Crush: Jason waud 

August's crush: Chase keith 

Lynn's crush: ? probably the boy in her Art

class or something 

Joe's crush: Emily 

Jason's crush: Luna Blaise 

Chase's crush: Doesn't have one 

Luan's Crush: Dylan Hartman 

Mackenzie's Crush: Doesn't have one either 

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