Part 18

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It was Morning and Keira had Just gotten out of bed She then looked at the time 

and realized it was almost 7:45 "OH NO!" she thought "I CAN'T BE LATE!" 

so she hurried up and got in the shower and when she came out she 

changed into this outfit ⬇

changed into this outfit ⬇

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After Keira was finished getting ready she went downstairs had breakfast, 

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After Keira was finished getting ready she went downstairs had breakfast, 

then she brushed her hair and teeth, then went outside got into the car as

her mom drove Keira off to school. Once they arrived Keira waved bye to her 

mom. Keira's mom waved bye back and drove off to work as Keira went inside.

As soon as she did though she saw a bunch of kids in the hallways gossiping about

the school dance the 6th graders, the kids Keira's age, the 8th graders, the high school 

kids everybody was talking about it. "Whoa what's going on?" said Keira "that dance

is gonna be off the hook kid" said a Sophmore boy "oh so that's what everybody is 

talking about?" "yeah you got your tickets yet?" "no but I will but what's so great 

about some school dance I mean it's just a dance yknow" said Keira then she went to 

class. Once they were finished with the Lesson Mrs. C had once again asked to see Keira

after class. Keira went up to her desk as Mrs. C smiled her and said "well Keira 

congratulations" "you mean I.. Passed?" "with 100%" Keira start smiling "what?" she said

in disbelief "yup and your grade bumped up to A + too" Keira started smiling even more

"Joe did an even better Job then I thought at tutoring you well looks like you don't need 

him anymore"  "great" said Keira "ok now have a nice day I'll see you tomorrow" "okay 

Bye Mrs. C then Keira headed over to her next class. 


It was Time for Lunch so Keira grabbed her lunch bag from her locker and went 

outside to go sit with Grace since she looked a little alone. Meanwhile Joe and 

Jason were eating Lunch by themselves today "so" said Joe "who you going to the

school dance with?" "Eh I dunno" said Jason "me neither man" said Joe "I mean

tried asking Emily" "Oooo" said Jason "be quiet" said Joe slightly blushing "but 

anyway that was until I found out she's going with her boyfriend Jordan" "wait she's 

gotta boyfriend? I didn't know that" "yeah I didn't either bro" "but uhh that's gotta 

be a bummer" "sure was" said Joe starting to become a little upset talking about it.

"Well how about we go to the dance and try to see if we can find some dates there"

said Jason  "nah I'm good" said Joe "well that's what I'm gonna do and if you don't 

want to fine I'll ask Connor then" "ok" said Joe. Then he looked over Jason's shoulder

and saw Keira and Grace sitting together and said "hey wanna invite Grace and Keira 

over here?" "sure" said Jason with a smile then Joe yelled "Hey Keira, Grace wanna 

come sit with us?" Keira and Grace smiled at each other "uhm...yeah were coming"

said Keira then both girls then grabbed their Lunch bags and went over to Jason and 

Joe's table. "Hey guys" said Keira blushing "hey" said Joe "sup" said Jason to Grace 

"hi" said Grace blushing "so umm..." "so?" "Mrs. C told me I passed the re-take with

100%" "oh my gosh no way!" said Grace "I'm so happy for you Keira" "yeah me too"

said Joe "congrats" said Jason "thanks guys" said Keira "so are any of you going to

the dance?" Grace asked "I'm going" said Jason "I'm not" said Joe then Grace smiled

as Keira started to get a little upset deep down "what about ya'll?" "well I dunno yet"

said Keira "Grace?" "yeah I'm going too" "cool" said Jason then both Grace and Jason 

looked at each other and looked away blushing "nice hair" said Jason "thanks" said

Grace still blushing "but hey I have an Idea maybe we can all go as group along with 

our other friends" "uhh... sure" said Jason "yeah sure" said Keira and Joe "maybe".

Then After Lunch was over Keira finished the rest of her classes and once school was 

over her mom came and picked her up and took her home. 

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