Part 11

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Then after lunch was over Keira finished the rest of her school day 


When Keira Finally got Home her mom told her that her Good friend Judy was Coming Over 

which was Keira's BFF Luan's mother by the way "oh cool is she bringing Luan?" "yes she is" 

said Keira's mom "yayy" said Keira "Judy said they'll be here in 10 minutes"  "ok" said Keira

then about 10-15 minutes later they arrived. Luan Knocked on the door "I'll Get it" said Keira 

Keira then answered the door and there was Luan and her mom "Judy" said Keira's Mom "Hey"

said Luan's mom "Hey Luan" said then they both hugged each other then Luan and her mom 

walked inside  "go ahead you guys make yourselves comfortable" "Thanks Sharyl" said Luan's 

mom "wanna go upstairs to my room?" Keira asked "Sure" said Luan then Keira told her 

mom that they were going to go in Keira's room "ok" said her mother then both girls ran 

upstairs to her bedroom and this is what it looks like by the way ⬇

"Wow" said Luan "girl did you decorate your room" "a little" said Keira "I like it" said Luan 

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"Wow" said Luan "girl did you decorate your room" "a little" said Keira "I like it" said Luan 

"a thank you" said Keira then Luan looked out the window "oh my gosh I've always loved 

the view you have here I mean if only I could have a nice view like this" "aww c'mon Luan I 

would probably die to live in a house like yours" Said Keira "thanks" said Luan ''No prob"

said Keira. Luan sat down on her bed "so what's new" "nothing really how's Dan?" Dan was 

Luan's brother. "Oh he Gucci" "Aight" said Keira "so What about your mom how's she doing" 

"fine" said Keira "Just Fine" "you still have a crush on Dan's friend Partick?" "not anymore 

Patrick's gotta a girlfriend now" "wow Taken" Keira said "shut it" said Luan Laughing "but 

anyway's wanna watch some TV or play a video game?" "watch TV" said Luan "ok" said Keira

so they both watched a little TV when all of a sudden Keira's phone buzzed. She looked at the 

text and it said "Text From Joe W." "Oh 😏💜" said Keira "I Know that look" said Luan "Alright 

what's his name" "Huh? oh it's no one" "C'mon tell me" "it's nobody just a friend" "c'mon"

said Luan "okay" said Keira "so My Math teacher Mrs. C signed me up for a tutor and she told 

his name was Joe Waud but I'd never heard that name before so I met him the library upstairs 

at my school and he was so Cute" "really?" said Luan "yup" said Keira "and how old is he?" 

said Luan "15 he's in the 9th grade" "Oooo he's mature and he's not too old either so you

guys can totally date what's he look like anyway" then Keira showed Luan this picture of 

Joe ⬇

"Ooo girl he's cute yo teacher sure gave you the hook up then lol" "yeah I Know" says 

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"Ooo girl he's cute yo teacher sure gave you the hook up then lol" "yeah I Know" says 

Keira "where did you find that pic?" Luan asked  "well I found that picture of him on his 

instagram he took it on his 15th birthday" "wait you have insta? I thought you weren't

allowed?" "well I found it on the internet" " oh ok nice" said Luan "so anyway then Joe gave

 me his number" "What?! " said Luan full of excitement "Yeah he did and that's how we're

 able to text each other" "Girl" said Luan "you guys should totes go out on a date you'd make 

a perfect couple" "well our school is having a dance soon" "Oooo great you should ask him

to that dance" "hmm I dunno" "c'mon girl" "no I'm okay" "Keira it's now or never or how 

about this I'll text him and ask him "no I'll do it later "ok" said Luan "but does he like you

back?" "I dunno probably not" "well I have an Idea how about you flirt with him  and make

him wanna ask you" "hmm that sounds pretty good I'll do it" said Keira then she texted

Joe back saying this ⬇


JOE'S TEXT: wassup 

KEIRA'S TEXT: Just... thinking about you 

JOE'S TEXT: Aww I'm thinking about you too

KEIRA'S TEXT: greAt umm what are you doing

right now?

JOE'S TEXT: chilling with Jason 

KEIRA'S TEXT: ok well I've got to go now so I'll

see you at school 

JOE'S TEXT: ok bye 

"so did you flirt with him?" "no I was too nervous" said Keira "aww it's okay"

said Luan "yeah but I'll ask him to the dance at school tomorrow" "ok" said Luan

then Keira asked Luan if she wanted to play video games "ok let's see what you 

got" said Luan "ok" said Keira then she started the game "ready to lose?" "are

you?" said Luan "oh yeah let's go" said Keira then Luan and Keira play Video games

for about an hour and half it was time for Luan to go home so she left. Then Keira's 

mom ordered Chinese take out for dinner. Once it Arrived Keira at her food and After

dinner she picked out her outfit for tomorrow and went to bed. 

My Tutoring CrushWhere stories live. Discover now